Chapter 25

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Q: How many pets do you have?

A: 9.. nearly a zoo ;) (6 birds (storm, lacy,uno,jack,rosily,brodi), 1 dog (chocko), 2 cats (Mayla and Charlie))

lets continue... : ) xxx


1 week later 

"you excited?" i said nearly jumping up and down. it has been a week since daniel woke up and today is the day he gets to go home!! "yes winter im very excited!!" he said in a sarcastic tone laughing. the doctor walks in to make final arrangments "okay daniel, you are alloud to go home when ever you want now. um come back every thursday for phsio until further notic you start in 2 days, and dont try walking by yourself. make sure you either have the wheelchair or crutches to help!" she said reassuringly and firmily to make sure he didnt get any further injuries. he nodde and so did i. "for the next month or two make sure you have someone with you 24 hours a day. becuase you can become worse in a matter of minutes so for your own saftey i sggest that is required" she siad flicking over her sheets "and that should be it. you are free to go" shesaid politley as i stood up smiling  and kassandra walked out. beau who was driving us home, helped daniel off the bed and into the wheelchair with using all daniels energy he left he landed perfectly on the chair with a oomph and i grabbed his bag and swung it behind me on my back and grabbed the crutches which went along with daniel when ever he needeed them which i carried also as beau pushed the wheelchair and daniel out to the car. i felt like a 5 year old on christmas as i had that skip in my step walking down the halls of the hospital. 

"winter. i think you are more excited than i am" daniel said watching me as the lift when down making beau and myslef laugh. we got to the bottem floor as we walked/ wheeled out "winter can you unlock the car and put the stuff in the boot please and leave it open" beau orderd handing me his keys as i ran ahead and dumped everything in the boot and walking away leaving it up. i went to the the drivers side and pressed the button on the car remote making sure it was unlocked. "done" i yelled back making sure they head

as beau and daniel arrived at the car we struggeled to get daniel into the car as his leg function isnt all that great when you havent had ay weight on them since 5 months ago!! but atleast he is alive!!! once accomplished beau and i get in our seats putting the wheelchari in the boot. we start driving and im sitting in the back looking out of the window. i remeber that my earphones were in my pocket so i take them out and plug it into my phone and listening to my music.

upon arriving home beau and i help daniel get into the wheelchair. beau lockes the car and closes the boot as i take everything out and walk toward the door. i unlocked it and through the keys in the key cup and walked in placing all daniels things on the bench. "wow it seems like forever since i have been here!" he said looking around at the bright yet dull house. "nothing has changed much. just cleaned everythinhg up a bit" i spoke looking around at the newly looked cleaned house. "looks nice" he complimented my work. as we moved towards the couch. daniels sudden words cut through my ears with every word "can we um go out somewhere? kind of sick of being inseid" he said in a ashamed tone. i knitted my eyes brows in confusion but then agreed. "sure where do you want to go?" i asked moving out of the lounge area and moving towards the door "um just walk around" he said as he moulded his hands together "okay" i said trying to figure out what he means, i shrugged it off and we walked outside. luckly our door just fits the wheelcharie so thats an easy task to get him through the door. beau pushed him out and we walked to the right going anywhere the roads take us. 

after a few awkward  moments daniel spoke up. "so what have i missed out on for the past 6 motnhs nearly!" he said looking over at me as i walked beside the wheelchair and beau "winter recorded a song!" beau piped up as i hit his arm! "really?! can i hear it?" he asked as i handed him my phone with the recording and my earphones. after listening to it he was smilingwidly "im porud of you sis. when are you recording your next song?" he asked passing my phone and earphones back. "well thanks to you, hopefully very soon" i said smiling with him. as he looked over at me confussed i laughed "your christmas present. luke showed me it! thankyou so much!!" i said jumping up and dow again as a light bulb lit up in daniels head "aha anytime winter, just thought that since you have been getting more fans that you could cover some more songs!" he said smiling i gave a warm smile back as i loked over at him. "anything els ive missed" daniel said looking foward "not much really fans have wished you well soon and have given support" beau said answering the question. 

walking in silence was nice andcalming with the warm wind around us. our slince and lines of thought got cut off when we saw a group of girl walking up to us. from the side. smiling like a child on christmas they walked over burting with happiness "um beau could we um maybe get a photo?" one of the girls said slooking over at beau and only him before scanning over daniel and i. "omg daniel you are out of hospital!!!" she said shocked that they can see him "sure am, got out today" he said smiling back "could we get a photo with you aswell?" she asked politly as daniel smiled and nodded "here let me take the photo" i said grabbingher phone and pinning it up so i could see the three girls and beau and daniel. "thankyou so much!" she said taking the phone from my grip with a greatfull smile "so whats your names?" beau asked loking at the 3 girls. "my name is maddy and this is laura and chloe" the girl , mady said pointing to each girl named laura and chloe "aw nice names!" daniel said smiling. as the girls blushed and laughed. "thankyou" they said smiling widly. "winter i really liked your cover!!" chloe said looking over at me as i smiled  "thankyou" i said to the girl who was smiling at me

"when are you going to do another cover! i love your voice" she said back to me with a cheeky smile upon her face. "hopefully soon, neede to think of a song frist!" i said laughing. "oh what about roar or thinking out loud! oh oh oh what about airplanes!!" she said getting over excited making me laugh i thought about the suggestions "yeah thye are really good ideas!!" i said grabbing out my phone while the others were conversed in a conversation! i opened up my notes and handing chloe my phone "here write down all of you guys's twitter and thoes songs. ill folow you 3 and if i do them covers i will give you a shoutout!" i said winking at her as she looked up at me like i was an alian. "really!" she said as i nodded as she began typing. "thankyou so much!!" she said smiling widley as we joint back intot eh others conversation. 

"well it was nice tlaking to you girls" daniel said excited with a genuine smile on his face. we had been speaking with them for a wile and we had a mini photo shoot making sure they got some photos with us all. sadly they had to leave and go home or somthing but it was nice to see some fans. "you too! i ccant wait until i meet you boys again!" laura said turning around and walking off. 

thinking about it. i might start doing more covers with alice, jake and marcus or maybe just myself. who knows what the future really does hold... 


Helooo my wonderful readers!!!!! okay so this book is nearing 10K :O :O :O thankyou thankyou thankyouuuuuu never in my wildest dream would i think of getting 100 reads little lone 10K so please keep voting, comments and sharing becuase i really hope you enkoying this book!!! also i might start making this more up beat and start narrowing it dow making chapters longer and character list shorter so it is easier for all my wonderful amazing reader!!!! <3<3<3<3<3 love you all!! 


Bye for now, not forever. Until next time!
-Megan xoxoxoxox 

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