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I sit up in the catwalk, looking over the people in the court yard. Rick had brought the people from Woodbury here after the Governor opened fire on his own people. That was a few moths ago, I think. I'm not sure. Long enough for the frigid air of winter to turn into the lazy heat of summer. By now everyone's noticed the old bite marks left of my skin. The scars they left behind. They've steered clear of me ever since they were told that I'm immune. We didn't tell them about the other thing. The council thinks it will cause an uproar and want to keep me safe. 

   I watch Daryl walk across the court yard and smile. I don't see much of him these days. Much of any of my family, really. They're too focused on the Others. That's what I call them. They aren't my family. They're not my group. We just occupy the same space. 

   I eat away from everyone, play away from everyone . . . I'm an alien in my own home. I miss my family. I miss when it was just our little group. I watch Daryl interact with the Others. He doesn't seem as comfortable with them as the others, but they love him.

   Daryl is always too busy for me. He's either hunting or out on a run. He used to let me go with him, but not anymore. He says that he needs to be able to bring back enough food for everyone and I scare the game off. Carl acts like he's too cool for me now. Michonne is always off tracking down the Governor, who still hasn't turned up. Rick is playing farmer. The only who has any time for me now is T-Dog. We've got real close. He only goes on runs every once in a while. Other than that, he takes watch or is on the fence. I sometimes go sit with him and we talk, but I make the people on the fence nervous so I don't go there to see him anymore. I don't want to distract them from their work.

   I sigh and walk back inside. I bring my arm up to my mouth and cough into it. I'd been feeling icky all day. I grab a bottle of water and take a sip to soothe my itchy throat as I go up to my cell to lay down. I should probably tell Hershel, but I don't want to bother him. He has other people to worry about and it's probably just a cold.

   I groan and fall into bed, curling into a ball. My body aches all over and I feel like I'm gonna puke. 

   "Hey, Journey . . . what's wrong?" I glance up at T as he come inside. His faces changes from happiness to concern.

   "Don't feel good," I groan out. "Think I have a cold." I've never had a cold before, but I've seen others with them. How do they survive? This sucks monkey butt.

   "I'm sorry. I'll go grab some medicine from Hershel." I nod and he runs off. I grab Zeke and clutch him to my chest. T-Dog come in a few minutes later, holding a fist out to me. I sit up and he drops a few pills into my hand. I grab my water bottle and guzzle them down. He puts a hand to my forehead. "Jesus, JJ, you're burning up." He crouches by my bed. "Did you get bit again?" I shake my head. I hadn't been outside the fences in a while.

   "I think I'm gonna try to sleep it off," I mutter. I've heard Hershel tell the Others to do that when they got sick.

   "Good idea. I'll check on you later." I nod and turn over, pulling my blanket over me and quickly falling asleep.

I feel someone lightly nudging me and my eyes crack open. I look up to see Daryl over me.

   "Hey, kid. What you doing in bed?" I wipe sweat from forehead and he frowns, putting his hand to it. "What the hell?"

   "Sick," I tell him. "You heading out?" He nods, looking slightly worried. "I'll be okay. T-Dog said he'll check in on me. He already gave me some medicine."

   "You and T are getting pretty close, huh?" I roll my eyes. What does it matter to him?

   "He's the only one that makes time for me anymore," I say rudely and turn back onto my side. 

JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now