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I don't own
Hunter x Hunter
Bad grammar, cringe
and some other things you
might not like.


"Y/N get ready. You don't want to arrive late now, do you?" Your mother said while shaking you. "Alright, if you were late and when you come back I won't give you (Favorite Food) for an entire week."

You bolted up your bed giving your mother a playful glare which she only returned with a sweet smile.

She gave you a knowing look before heading towards the door. "By the way your father said he won't be back for 2 weeks... again." The mention of your 'father' made you cringe before responding.

"I would rather call him by his name than call him father." You know your mother was enduring the sadness your father gave but she still loves her husband. She didn't give you a glance knowing some tears were dripping on her face.

"Y/N! You do not disrespect your father like that! Especially when I'm right here!" Your mother yelled still facing her back.

"Which part of him is my father?! His d*ck?! Mom! Get over it already! He does not love us nor cares about us!" You yelled back not wanting to make your mather sad anymore because of you pathetic-excuse of a father.

"Language Y/N, I did not teach you such deplorable manners!" Your mother was now facing you and her eyes was filled with tears. You run towards her before giving her a hug. She sobbed while hugging you tightly.

Few minutes have passed and she pulled away from the hug giving you a smirk. "Y'know, you're so short. Don't grow tall okay?" Your mom said giving you a sweet smile.

You pouted before complaining. "Of course not! I want to be tall, I'm like 12! Look at me mom! AREN'T YOU SUPPOSE TO COMFORT ME?!" You cried looking up your mother. She ruffled your head.

"If you won't grow a height then that's fine!" Your mother reassure you and went outside your room. "Now go shower! I'll make some (Favorite food) while your at it!"

You beamed in happiness before nodding rapidly and started heading towards the bathroom, forgetting the event that happened ealier.

❝𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹❞

You went downstairs after taking a bath and dressing up. You could smell (Favorite Food) all the way upstairs making your hungry stomach growl that you assumed there's a dragon inside or would you rather call it wolf.

After successfully entering the kitchen you made your way at the table staring at your mother while she finishes up the food.

You reluctantly reach for a spoon to sneak a pancake but before you could your mother slapped ypur hand making you hiss. "W-what was that for?!" Your mother raised a brow making you flinch.

"After I finish this we will eat! You wait for me or you won't be having (Favorite Food)?" You look beside you and giving your answer.

"I-I'll wait." You pouted while watching ypur mother flip the pancake and putting it on the plate. You watched as she cooked (Favorite Food) with no flaws intended.

You waited until she finished making your (Favorite food) as she sat down on the chair beside you.

You watched her grab a portion of pancake and (Favorite Food) and put it on the plate. She glance at you giving another one of her sweet smile. She gave you the plate while you happily accept it and gobble down.

"Y/N careful, where are your manners. You forgot to pray!" Your mom scolded you while giving a glare.

She prayed with you while you follow what she did and say.

"Itadakimasu!" You both said simultaneously and began eating. You took every detail and savory flavour of the food your mother made while smiling.

You saddened knwing that you'll be away from home for months or even a year.

You and your mother finished the food and she washed the plates that she insist working at and not wanting you to do the work.

"Y/N dear... becareful okay?" You smiled reassuringly to make her feel a little better.

"Of course, I should go now. Bye mom! I love you! ❥•" You reached for the door knob hesitantly before giving your mother one last glance and proceeded to go to the nearest airport going to Zaban City.

Before you left you could hear a faint "I love you too..." As you sadly smiled while taking one more look at your surroundings. Those words your mother gave you made you hesitantly leave.

You're living on an island far from Zaban City so you nedeed a ride for it.

❝𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹❞

The sudden movement made you dizzy and you should've expected this.

The elevator door slowly opened revealing some scary looking applicants while they stare at you creepily.

While looking around someone tapped ypu from below you. You looked down only to see a green bean. "Here's your badge, don't lose it or you'll be disqualified." He handed you a badge with a number 406 on it.

A fat guy approached you and greeted you. You nodded smiling slightly. "Hello my name is Tonpa! I can tell you're a rookie! This is my 35th try!" You sweatdrop. Was he that proud?

"Hello Tonpa-san! My name is Y/N!" You gave him a smile on which he returned.

"I'll give you information on some people here if you'd like?" You smiled brightly and nodded.

After he gives you all the information he opened his bag and pulls out a juice. "Here a juice for our friendship!" You wanted to grab the juice but he took it away and began searching his bag again and took out a new one.

You smiled happily and look at him, he was flustered and wanted to ask him if he were sick.

He gave you the new one he took which made you confused but you happily took it and muttered a small "Thank you." on which he nodded at and began to walk away.

You opened the can and happily drink it as you started thinking why some people snicker at your direction. You shrugged it off and finished the juice and threw it away. Its not like theres something in it anyways, right?

'Well this is a start for me!'

✨¡𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈¡✨

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