Choking On Chanel

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The Fendi dress fit a little tight on me and the Valentino boots made me feel like I was walking through a path to hell. I sat in the back of the Audi my sister was driving as I  tried to imagine a way I could sit in this dress for longer than an hour and not explode.

My sister had given me a full face of make up and fake eyelashes which kept my vision range limited. I wonder how my sister lives with so many uncomfortable things stuck to her, does she not know what it feels to be comfortable?

"Little shit FOCUS!" She snapped while giving me a dirty look

"This is the very first time you ACTUALLY get to talk to my friends so PUHLEASE don't let your dork side ruin my reputation! I really don't want them to think any less of our family!"

She said all in one breath "Uhm okay Steph, I'll try" I reassured her.

"JusT remember, shoulders back, fix your hair, apply more lipgloss and don't talk too much, it's gonna be great!" She exclaimed excitedly while giving me psycho eyes.

The Audi pulled over a big fancy house with tall metal gates and Cassie, a girl from my sister's possie, got in and sat in the passenger seat.

"OH MY GOD STEPH!" She squealed as her and my sister kissed each other on the cheek

"Is Griffy coming to the partyyyy?" Cassie asked my sister who gave a brief rather confused look before she replied "OF COURSE he is! He spent his entire summer in New York with his brothers I can't wait to jump on him!" She said as she winked.

I unconsciously let out a small sound of disgust as I had to picture my older sister and Griffin do the nasty. Cassie quickly turned and looked at me with a confused look as to which my sister said "Cassie this is my little sister Gabrielle, she's gonna be a junior this year so this is her very first high school party" she said as she eyed me through the review mirror.

"OH MY GOD HIIIII! Another Le chateau!" She said as she turned back to strangle me , ugh I meant hug me, "First high school party huh? All you have to remember is do not get too wasted, spot the hottest guy and just have your way with hiiiim!!" She suggested.

"Uuuuh I don't think she's quite warmed up for that yet Cas I think she can just take it slow and have some small talk with everyone" she said as she gave me an alarmed look though the mirror "Hmm yeah there's going to be so many parties for you to practice sweetie, for now just don't get too wasted, girls ain't that hot when they drink too much!"
Explained Cassie as she obsessively started to gloss her lips.

More parties? All year? Could I just drop dead instead?? I panicked thinking about dressing up every weekend and going through all this anxiety  ore than just this once, on top of all the preparing I'd have to do every single day to get school. Was starting high school having to be this stressful?

The gates opened into a long fancy driveway where numerous cars were parked alongside. We parked the Audi but didn't leave cause I ended up having to watch Cassie and my sister spend a good fifteen to twenty minutes touching up their hair and makeup, being a hot girl sure didn't look easy!

When we all finally got out of the Audi Cassie squealed and ran towards a group of girls who were squealing back at her.

Stephanie whipped out a little perfume bottle and sprayed it all over herself and I, it caught be off guard and I think some went into my nose cause I ended up letting out a sneeze that was unintentionally super loud to which Stephanie reacted by grabbing me and ducking behind the car so no one would see who sneezed.


"I'm sorry Steph I wasn't expecting a wind of Coco Chanel to strike me in the face and choke me! You know I have allergies!" I said apologetically.

"Your breath smells like fucking burrito, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? If I could I'd let you swallow this entire bottle of Chanel you little shit!" She screamed as she got up and fixed her dress in the reflection of her Audi and whipped her golden locks back.

"Now let's go Cassie is already inside, and CAN YOU PLEASE try to NOT embarrass me?" She demanded give which I softly nodded and proceeded to look down as I followed her to the entrance.

The more I walked the more I realized that I was actually really nervous about the party! Was one summer enough to turn a dork into a girl fit for popularity? Would all my sister's attempts to change me go to waste if I'd say the wrong thing? Thinking about it gave me goosebumps.

"Maybe I'm not ready for this..." I whispered but she didn't hear it cause a posse of girls started squealing so loud and high pitched only dogs could hear.

They all hugged my sister and started gossiping and giggling and complementing each other on their hair and outfits. I felt invisible and frozen. I did not understand this language they were talking I was sure they'd know I was no fit to be there.

Another hot girl walked into the posse with open arms and said "OH! My little Le Chateau! You made it!" She said loudly as she hugged my sister "I'm so glad to see you! I forgot to tell you, I GOT INTO BERKLEY!!" She screamed to which all the girls cheered with more high pitched squeals and the rest of the people around clapped and congratulated the girl.

I recognized her, she had hung out at our house on multiple occasions, her name was Jessica, she was an year older than my sister and Steph would look up to her for everything as she considered her perfection, and she truly was! She was so incredibly beautiful, tall like a model with a slim but strong figure and hazel eyes.

As I simply stood and stared at her fascinated by her beauty, her gaze suddenly shifted onto me, she had a confused look but slowly smiled and asked "Who's this pretty blondie?".

All of a sudden I had forgotten any word from the English vocabulary and I was confused what to do or say, I felt sweat forming on my forehead which was bad cause there was a thick coat of foundation that would melt and my sister would be mad at me and I- "This is just my little sister Gabrielle, she's going to be a junior this year so I brought her along to get the full high school experience hahahaha" faked laughed my sister to which the posse fake laughed back, and suddenly everyone was looking at me, but it felt more like they were scamming through every inch of me top to bottom analyzing every piece of item I'm wearing, my hair and my face, which I assume, looked like a tomato from all the alien emotions I was feeling at the moment.

"Don't you wanna say something lil sis?" Asked my sister while secretly giving me psycho eyes.

"Y-yes hey Jessica, I .. I'm glad to meet you.. at your party" I mumbled.

What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I get my brain to work properly? And why was I sweating so much? I felt embarrassment wash through me like a waterfall, but that could've been all the sweat that was dripping through my body. Thank God for all the Chanel my sister assaulted me with.

"Oh my God! How cute!! Steph! You never told me you had a little sister! I guess I can't call you little Le Chateau anymore cause we've got even a more little version!" She said as she hugged me.

I had personally felt so tall wearing the Valentino's but now that I was hugging  Jessica I felt teeny tiny.

She looked at me with the warmest smile and said "Well good that I've invited a few juniors then! You can make some friends tonight mini-Le Chateau!"

I wondered how could someone so beautiful also be so warm and kind, her welcoming nature made me feel at ease for the first time in a long time.

She put her arm around me, she smelled like heaven, and she said "Okay girlies I want all of you to be nice to my mini Le Chateau and LETS ALL HAVE A GOOD TIME!" That was met with a loud "YEAHHH" from everyone in the room.

Hey, this wasn't as bad as I worried it would be, maybe I could get used to this!

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