4.3 - The Test

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Part 4
Chapter 3


Killua knows that something is wrong, but he does not know what.

He can feel it. There is a tension in the house. There was a special sort of tension when he saw Illumi carrying (Y/N)'s body to the basement, with Hisoka following close behind.

Why was that happening? Did something happen to (Y/N)? Killua knew what went on in the Zoldyck basement... perhaps Silva was right; maybe (Y/N) shouldn't have been let in the house. Not only is it causing problems for them, but also for the Zoldyck family.

Perhaps Killua will not leave tomorrow. Part of him wants to stick around and see where this is going, even though it really is not his business.

Currently, he is sitting on his bed, hands folded behind his head. He is giving himself time to relax with his thoughts, but is interrupted by a knock on the door.

Killua sighs. "Come in."

The door cracks open and Canary peeks her head in. "Gotoh sent me to get you. A phone call is in for you."

"Who is it?" Killua asks, sitting up with intrigue.

Canary smiles softly. "Gon and those two others. It did not sound important. I think they're just checking in."

Killua nods, stands up, and follows Canary to the phone. As they are walking, in silence, as usual, Killua wonders if he should tell Gon about Illumi and (Y/N). He decides against it. Killua does not want to think about the two of them and their drama anymore; it is out of his hands at this point. Even though the house is full of a strange tension, there is no way for Killua to figure out what exactly is happening without prying. Illumi does not like prying.

Just as Killua is finishing this thought, Illumi walks past him and Canary. Unlike usual, Illumi does not glare down at his younger brother. He seems to be heading back towards the basement after leaving, for whatever reason. His dark eyes are set with purpose.


"I think I'll take you to a spa after this is done. We can get massages and have our nails done..." Hisoka trails off, chuckling at his thoughts.

"I don't think Illumi wants me leaving the house yet. Because of the Troupe," you reply.

Hisoka raises a curious brow. "It's not up to him, it's up to you. Do you want to leave the house?"

You pause.

"I'm not sure," you finally say. "Not yet. I want to wait at least for the Troupe to leave; Ill said they were going to another city to take care of something."

Hisoka chuckles, then sighs. "I don't know how you do it. I'd get tired of this house after a single day."

You smile a bit, and then the door opens. It is Illumi. Your heart throttles suddenly, sending waves of anxiety throughout your body. Illumi's hands are empty, and his eyes look it, too.

"Did you—" You choke a bit and stop to clear your throat. You are so nervous you can hardly speak right. "Did you get the test?"

"Yes." Illumi reaches into his back pocket to grab a white stick with a pink cap. He stares at you all the while. Without another word, he holds it forward for you to take. You stand up and collect the stick—it's made of cheap plastic, no more than 5 inches long, but it's the scariest thing you have ever seen.

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