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In a dark hallway beneath the school Satoshi Yamanaka, along with his friend Yuji and Shishido were exploring, the hallway was covered with sealing papers the JIDA used to seal things.

They looked around, though Yuji seemed to have spaced out, and walked over to the door which seemed to have much more seals on it, He tried to open it but couldn't, and some seconds have passed then Yamanaka grabbed Yuji's shoulder startling him and looked at them them.

"Hey, Quit spacing out on us." Said Yamanaka as he place a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Can we get out of here this place is giving me the creeps" Complained a scared Shishido creeped out by the place.

"Come on Yuji." Yamanaka told Yuji as he along with Shishido went up and left, and as Yuji was about to do the same suddenly he heard the sound of the wind blowing, then as he turned his head behind to see the door opening, and decided to look inside.

The following day after the Vampire attack, things had gone back to normal and unknowingly Yuu had made a new friend with Yoichi. And now Yuu was standing in front of the girl she had saved,

"I know you may not Remember me, But I am the girl you saved Yesterday. I wanted to thank you for saving my life, and I can't express enough." Said the girl with a light blush.

"Think nothing of it." Shrugged Yuu.

"I know this is out of the Blue, but can you accept this letter?" The Girl asked Yuu while she took a Letter from behind while bowing.

Yuu being somewhat sensitive to the Situation and so she took the letter causing the girl in front of her to smile.

"You are welcomed." Said Yuu as she made a small smile.

"Thanks. See you around." The Girl said and left Yuu on her own.

"My, My What's this? A love confession? I didn't you swung that way Yuichiro." Came a voice Yuu was all the well familiar with Yuu turned around to see Shinoa with her Trademark Smug Grin.

"Hello Shinoa, what brings you here?" Said Yuu with a bored/tired tone

Shinoa lost her grin once Yuu didn't show any sign of Getting Flustered, but only mild Boredom and Irritation.

"Come on what's with the Bored Face?" Asked Shinoa.

"Just cut to the point Shinoa why are you here. Or did you come just to Tease me? If so then that didn't work. Not one bit." Said Yuu as she was bored by Shinoa's antiques.

"You really are one Party popper." Said Shinoa with a Sigh.

"Just cut to the Chase, you damned Billboard!" Demanded Yuu while also calling Shinoa out on her non existent breasts.

"What did you call me?" Asked Shinoa as a Tick mark formed on her head.

"You heard me correctly , Billboard." Said Yuu with a Cheshire smirk on her face.   

"Why you..." Thought Shinoa as a shadow was cast on her face

Seeing her Plans to Tease the Hell out of Yuu backfired spectacularly, Shinoa Suddenly thought of something.

"Say Yuu, You want power to kill all the vampires. No?" Asked Shinoa.

"What is it to You?" Asked Yuu wanting to know where the flat chest was going with this.

"What if I told you, I know where you can get Said power." Shinoa Told Yuu while She took something akin to a key. The latter whom played along with the Smug Girl.

"And where Can we Get said Power?" Asked Yuu while she unknowingly said "we".

"Are you seriously playing along with this human worm? And besides do you really think that Parasites like the Seraphs and the Demons are more powerful the a HERRSCHER?! We literally bend Existence to our will!" Said Her other self with a tone laced with confidante arrogance

Yuu heard her Herrscher Personality complaint but didn't answer and Stayed silent. While Shinoa Made a Questioning face when Yuichiro said we.

"What Did she mean by we?" Thought Shinoa as she as far should remembered Yuu hardly bothered to Socialize herself with anyone. 

"What's the Matter Shinoa did the cat bite your tongue?" Asked Yuu teasingly.

Shinoa Couldn't help but get a Tick mark, that this girl in front of her was playing her like a Damn Fiddle.

"Might as well show her off. Come out Shikama Dōji." Said Shinoa as her key was suddenly Engulfed in flames then suddenly a Demon manifested from the Key.

" Said Shinoa as her key was suddenly Engulfed in flames then suddenly a Demon manifested from the Key

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It then Turned to a Scythe.

"My my, Shinoa is that the manifestation of your Non-existent Breasts?" Aske Yuu in a teasing manner, which caused to get even further into Shinoa's Nerves.

"Is she taking revenge for not helping her by teasing me? I don't think so she's far to Proud for something as Petty as teasing, or is she?" Shinoa thought to herself as she never thought Yuu to be one fore petty teasing. 

"So that's your cursed gear? How... Underwhelming." Said Yuichiro unimpressed by the sight of the oversized scythe.

"Ok she's now asking for it." Shinoa thought to herself, as she started to charge Yuu, but was unable to do so as the former pulled out her Katana. But she didn't need it as she dodged to her left it with great reflex, and used the sheath of the Katana to strike at Shinoa's feet with good precision, though the smug loli dodged it, who retaliated by swinging her scythe in a slash but Yuu pulled out the Katana and used the blade.

"Not Bad." Said Yuu who suddenly made a teasing smile. "For a flat chest loli." 

"Why you little." Said Shinoa a tad pissed, and then put some distance between herself and Yuu.

"Is that really all you got Shinoa? I've got to say I am a tad disappointed, I was expecting a challenge from some one of your caliber" Said Yuu with a tone full of disappointment.

"Oh you want a challenge? I will give it to you then." Said Shinoa as she swing her scythe 180 degrees arc.

Yuu seemed to stand in place when suddenly a faint glow came from her right arm and as if possessed she disappeared in a green lighting and appeared behind Shinoa causing the girl to back away in fear as she saw into the slitted cold green eyes (which seemed to have red outline) of Yuu and she saw a monster waiting to be unleashed. 

"How did she do that?! I am 100% sure she had no cursed gear of her own!" Thought Shinoa as she panicked.

"Are we done here?" Asked Yuu with a bored tone.

"Uh?" Asked Shinoa Dumbly.

"Come along I am famished." Said Yuu as she picked Shinoa on her feet and dragged along all the while the Younger girl was struggling to wrap her head around on what just happened. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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