BLAQUEi pre(lude)

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Could I have talked to her a lil bit longer please?

You want to keep me all to yourself,

have me seeming like I'm not a decent adult

who can at least hold a three minute conversation.

Like you don't know your placement.

Snapping at me like I'm some damn dog 

and you didn't know I've been excruciatingly patient,

years on end to be in your aura.

Guess I'll be forever waiting.

Could you have waited three more minutes,

so that I could finish my verses?

You practice and rehearse shit every other day,

I worship and get close to the most high every second I can

and you mean to tell me you think you're some kind of a man?

Trying to fight with me because I'm getting my spirit together.

Your demons over there, light as a feather,

or the piece of cotton

you watching your dead friends faces swing on,

Clothing hanging up like some trophy piece.

Missed me with the two piece you was tryna give me just because i 

can read. 

The study should've been about greed,

too greedy for my time,

not realizing how much time was being wasted.

I like thrills and chills and the chase but

I think you could've been a little more creative

with the way you approached me.

I'm not easy

that's no secret,

sometimes beyond reach,

but if you have the keys to the place that you're tryna get into

what's the point of trying to breach and break in 

like you're some type of nympho of time.

Stealing people's time, 

people's hearts,

people's shine away from their eyez.

My innocence when it comes to you, snatched away 

like the chain you didn't know you were gonna break.

I can't feel it yet but my heart is slowly breaking into a gajillion

pieces thinking of all the weekends, birthdays, and holidays 

we're about to throw away

far down the toilet.

"Ignore it" the pain, 

that's what my brain is saying,

banging like some dude who almost forgot what set he got put on.

Set trippin off my love, 

knew you was dead wrong.


like I want you to be to me,

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