Chapter 42.

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One week before the wedding

I quietly wake up and feel for Nadei with my eyes still closed. Every morning it's the same thing, I need to make sure he's there. I find his arm and grab onto it, I hear him let out a soft chuckle and I know it's my Nadei.

"Good morning printsessa"

"Morning Nadei." I wiggle over to his side and curl up into his chest. He continues sipping his coffee while reading his Russian news.

"Man I don't think I'll ever be able to read that." I gloss over the paper, Russian is truly a foreign language to me besides the few words the boys use around the house I'm completely clueless.

"I'll always be your translator but I do hope our children will learn Russian and Spanish."

"Mmmm trilingual little New York Russian-Puerto Rican babies. Demons. They'll be feisty little demons" the thought of a family with Nadei is much different now. Before I was unprepared, terrified at having children.

But now. Now I'm at ease. And I can't lie watching Jillian's belly grow makes me crave having little ones running around with hers.

The way that Nikolai and Betty have been going at it I'm sure they're not far behind either. I just picture little Romanoff babies running around this place laughter filling the halls.

But I'm quickly pulled out of my daydream when I hear muffled voices coming from the living room. I curiously look up to Nadei who has a smirk on his face.

"Who the fuck is that?"

"Why don't you find out love?" He smiles back.

I roll my eyes but quickly jump out of bed little bastard knows something. As I open the door making my way down the hall the voices become more clear and familiar.

"The fuck is this!" I walk into the living to find a crowd of people in my living room. As I scan the room I see Lillian, Coni, and Kimberly all together on the couch. Not too surprising but still unexpected. Except seems Vee and Miguel have joined us alongside Franco, Niko, Betty, Jill, and Aleksander.

"SURPRISE!" Vee burst out running to hug me.
"It is your bachelorette weekend"

"Oh fuck no." Whatever Vee has planned I'm sure I'm going to regret it.

"Oh hush up you know you love the attention!"

"Princesa!" Miguel pulls me into a giant bear hug. "Blink twice if you want to cancel this wedding."

"In your dreams Miguel."

I soon feel Nadei's arms wrap around my waist he pushes my hair out of the way, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Fuck off Miguel It's too early for your shit."

"Ugh, you never let me have any fun!" He playfully rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Nash baby how are you!" Vee kisses Nadei cheeks and he returns.

"In one week I will officially be making this one mine. I'm the happiest man alive I believe."

"Question Vee. Esmeralda? I would've loved to formally meet her."

Vee rolls her eyes and waves her hand annoyed. "That brat sends her regards but you know her always working refusing to leave her empire for even 5 minutes."

"Of course. Now question two.....WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE PLANNED!"

"Well, I hope we're not too late?" A deep voice calls from behind us and I face another crowd of Romanoffs.

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