Chapter 23.

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"Zaika. Must you always put on a show?" Nikolai holds his hand out assisting me out of the car.

"Oh please. You know damn well your abstinence ass love it" Nikolai rolls his eyes as he slams the door shut. Nadei walks by my side and places his hand on the small of my back leading me into the building.

"Where are Alek and Jill?"

"Aleksander mentioned something about training. I'm unsure." We make our way into the elevator and Nadei firmly places his hand on my ass. Something his brothers said to him is upsetting him, I can tell by the tension in his body, the way he's holding me. As if he's scared I'll be snatched away from him. He senses me starring at him and sweetly smiles down at me.

When we reach our apartment doors I hear shouting.  Nadei raises a brow and carefully opens the door positioning me behind him.

"Ok. Fine what if you guys are out at a bar or party and a bunch of men are hitting on you what do you do then?" Aleksander stands with his arms crossed as Jillian sits on the kitchen marble drinking a beer.

"Easy I politely tell them to fuck off before I stick my knife in their-"

"No Jillian you can't always resort to violence! Jesus Christ woman. Your priority is to get Nicole out of the situation not provoke them more!" He pulls the beer out of her hand and takes it for himself.

Nadei and I silently watch. He looks over at me with a confused look and I can't help but smile a little.

"What the hell is this?" He whispers to me

"Sh sh. No this is good. They've met their match"

"My love don't." I shush him by slapping his arm.

"Ok first don't touch my beer and second yeah yeah keep Nicole safe I know!"

"What if a car pulls up beside you two while walking in the streets what do you do"

"Oh, that's easy. I flip them the fuck off and ask them if they got a problem"

Aleksander promptly facepalms himself at her response and she shrugs him off before hopping down from the counter. She stops in her place when she sees Nadei starring at her with a mixed look of confusion and annoyance.

"Oh....hey erm-sir. What's up?"

"So this is the training you two were doing while we were in a family meeting nephew?" Nadei completely ignores Jillian and sets his eyes on Aleksander.

"I was just. Giving her scenarios and she failed.....all of them" Aleksander points his beer at Jillian who has yet to move or look away from Nadei.

"Well glad to know Nicole is in highly capable fucking hands" Nadei grabs my waist tighter almost pinching me. His eyes are dead set on Jillian whose head is down trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, Nadei relax. I'm sure they were just joking around" I try to soothe his tension by placing my hand on his chest and gently rubbing it. He lets out a deep sigh before pushing off to the kitchen a grabbing a couple of whiskey glasses.

"You will all be the death of me one day" he smiles as he pours 5 cups of whiskey. "Get the fuck over here everyone"

We all look with a bit of confusion before walking over to the counter each grabbing a glass.

"Over the next few weeks our bonds, our empire, and our lives will be tested. Be ready for war at all times. For the family. Bratva" we each raise our glass in salute.

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