~°• Who is he? •°~ |ep3|

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- Times skip, 1 week later -
Ever since Inpu found him, Inpu has been following Bryan for few day's, so that he can know what Bryan's rutine was. Ofcourse, he did go to camp, to plan a plan whit the others, bc he told everyone once he got back after finding Bryan.

Bryan's POV-

"Hmmmm,.... I feel like somedody is watching me.... But, i mean,- i feel like that a lot- and if i want i can protect myself, so i should be okay."

Bryan dicieted to do some paper work, so he headed to his room, since his office was blown up.

When he got there, he got to work, but he felt unsafe, so he dicieted to take a quick look around the room, to see if something is wrong.
He didnt see enything, so he brushed the feeling off.

But after 1h he heard footsteps, so he looked up, thinking it might be One of his animetronics, but he was wrong.
Infront of him stood a hooded figure.
It scared Bryan so much- he he almost fell of his chair.

Bryan - Who are you?!? What do you want?!?

??? - Im someone you used to know- and i need you to trust me, and follow me.

Bryan - 1. Im pretty sure i dont know you. 2. I won't follow you! Who know's, you might kill me!!

??? - *sigh* I knew you wouldent

After the unknown figure sayed that, Bryan got scared, so he got out of his chair, and tried to find a way out, but before he could find eny, the unknown figure knocked him out.
??? - Im sorry Bryan, but since you didnt coporate, i had to do it...
[Hello!! I Hope you enjoyed the episode! Have a Nice day!❤️]

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