Part 1. The beginning

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"Yo, guys what's that over there?"

Viki said, while she was walking around the forest with her two best friends, Tanja and Magda.

"What do you mean?"

Magda asked curious.
They walked past some trees and soon stood infront of an old huge building that was surrounded by a big fence.

"That's kinda creepy"

Tanja shivered.
Although it was a bright day outside, the building still had a weird scary vibe around it.

"Let's search for a way inside!"

Viki suggested and since they had nothing better to do they just went around and searched for an entrance.
After a while they found a hole in the fence, barely big enough so that they could fit in.

"Shall we go in?"

Viki asked looking at her two friends.

"I don't know guys, that kinda seems dangerous! And the house doesn't feel save at all!"

Tanja replied.

"EDDIE! EDDIE! EDDIE!!!!!!!!!!"

Magda screamed into Tanjas ear, nearly making her deaf.


Tanja shouted angrily and crouched through the hole, her friends following her afterwards.

"Damn, thats a big garden this house owner had!"

Viki looked around and was thrilled about all the stuff she saw.

"Yo! A fucking fountain! That's so cool!"

Magda marveled.

"I don't know guys, that feels really weird, why would someone put a fence around their house? I know it looks abandon but maybe their is still someone living here! We should leave!"

Tanja said negatively like always.

"Yeah, Tanja you are right! We should go into the house!"

"Wait what-"

"Yep, that's what I heard too! Let's go!"

"That's not what I said! I-"

Tanja couldn't finish her sentence, her friends were already running towards the large doors.
Tanja followed them with a slightly pissed face.
The friends tried to open the door but failed miserably.

"Guys I think we can climb through a Window! Look, guys over there!"

Magda pointed towards some boxes piled up to a window.

"How about No? There are Bars infront of the windows! This place seems dangerous!"

Tanja complained, but of course, her friends were already on their way to climb into the house.

"Come on Tanja, let's Go in!"

Viki reached Out to Tanja and helped her to climb.

"I will fucking not go inside!"

"Fine, than we will go without you!"

"Wait what-? Than what am I supposed to do outside here?"

Tanja asked.

"I don't know, you can wait here until we come back!"

Magda suggested.

"All alone? What if something happens to you inside and I have to search for you or someone comes outside the house and kidnapps me or-"

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