Part 25

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When the parents and their kids calmed down enough, they said their final thank you's and left. Now it was just Demi, Eva, and Doyle in the tent.

"I'm so sor-" Before Demi could finish her apology, Eva's arms warped around her.

"No need to apologize, the males needed a good beating anyways." Eva's voice was in its usual chipper tone. "Plus it proved that you've stayed at camp all along because you wanted to." Demi raised her eyebrows in question, "If you had wanted to run away before you could've fairly easily, seeing that you took down Eric, the twins, and my mate without breaking a sweat." The mention of Doyle made Demi examine him. She had agitated an old injury and wasn't sure if he was alright.

"Let me look at your knee," Demi said as she saw him limp slightly.

"I'm fine," Doyle said, sighing tiredly when he saw his mate frown at him.

"You heard her. Get your ass on the table." Eva practically growled. It seemed like they'd had multiple conversations about the injury, and Doyle being a proud male, acted like he was fine.

Demi quickly gathered some herbs as he sat down. She limped slightly and knew that she'd have to take care of her ankle soon. "Alrighty, let's take a look." As Demi put her hand on the male's knee, her magic involuntarily shot out of her. Not wanting to fight it, she let her magic lightly probe the injury. It was pretty swollen and felt like one of the ligaments was out of place. Demi put some random herbs on it and then healed it herself. "Better?"

"Gods, so much. It's never felt this good, not since before I injured it." Doyle marveled while gaping at his leg. Eva was beaming with satisfaction. She had known that Demi could help, but her mate was just so stubborn. "Thank you."

"Well, I am the one that agitated it, so it was the least I could do." Healing always left Demi with a warm and fuzzy feeling that people get after they've done something good for no other reason than to help. "If it starts bothering you again, come and see me." She knew that it was now completely healed, and wouldn't bother Doyle ever, but it was natural to say.

"So, where's Eric?" Eva asked when Demi went to put the extra herbs away. She noticed that the grimoire was open to her mother's journal entry after Demi's birth.

"I left him in his tent," Demi replied, while she ran her hands over the rough page. She'd taken the other pages out because they gave more information about what she was and who her father is. But she'd kept this one for some reason. "He wasn't answering my questions, and I have other things to do."

Eva and Doyle shared a look. They both knew that Eric was only being like this because he was angry. Though he did hide it extremely well. "Maybe you should try to talk to him," Eva suggested. Eric would only feel better when the two of them had a real conversation about what happened.

Demi gave her an incredulous look. "It hurt him a lot when you left," Doyle said. His friend had tried to hide it, but he knew better. "And right now there is a considerable amount of unsaid things between the two of you." That was true. Maybe Demi just needed to try to have a rational conversation with Eric. There were many things that she wanted to tell him, but her irrational fear always made Demi hold her tongue when she got the chance to.

Eva and Doyle shared another look before Doyle left the tent. Looks like Demi was in for some girl talk. After a moment of silence, Demi asked "Can witches have mates?" The question had been burning in her mind for the past week or so.

For a moment Eva looked surprised, then she expertly hid it, "Yeah. I've met a witch that was mated with a fae. They were incredibly cute." Demi felt relief and curiosity fill her. Who was her mate? When would she meet them? "Why do you ask?"

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