Breathing room

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3rd Person

German Reich, Berlin

It was cold in Berlin, the clouds are dark as if it were gonna snow, and the streets were empty of civilians like it was Martial Law

The Reich's National Guard were stationed in the streets of Berlin, armed with modern G3 Battle rifles, MP5 SMG's and PSG1 Sniper Rifles on rooftops

The speakers on the streets were making announcements about the situation on why Martial Law has been declared

Speakers: Today will be the day of the great wave of catastrophe! Citizens of the Reich are required to stay indoors or in Flak Towers for the protection of the citizens! German National Guards, the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS personels are only allowed to go outside, those who dares come outside will be arrested!

There was a sense of uneasyness on the air. The National Guards were not comprised of Germans but rather Larian volunteers. They have recieved a few months of training which wasnt enough so they are assissted with the Wehrmacht

German Wehrmacht: Hey, first combat?

National Guard: J-Ja...i've never faced demons before

German Wehrmacht: You have right here is a G3, just like mine. Just point and shoot, do not hesitate. Just imagine they're like moving targets but larger and scarier

National Guard: O-Okay....

The National Guards stood as Leopard 1 Tanks and Marder IFV's rolls down the road and taking position. Flak 88's and Gepard SPAAG aims at the sky as they wait for hell begins their entry to this world

At the Volkshalle, Y/N Pov

Rows of the 1st Waffen SS division stood inside the Volkshalle as they are here as my bodyguard. The first batch of the Super Soldaten was assigned to be as my body guards

The 7-8ft tall emotionless super soldiers stood infront of me with their M134 minigun

Erika: Woah...

Y/N: I re-introduced the Wunder Waffe. How do you like it? These 2 right here will be our body guards along with the 1st and Waffen SS division

Erika: Wunderbar...!

Y/N: Thats not all, i also have Panzerhunds that breath flames in production as well though it hasnt arrived yet

SS Captain: Mein Führer Salutes there are now reports of portals appearing in Japan. The Japanese army and the Wehrmacht expeditionary division are currently fighting it without a report of a single casualty

Y/N: Gut! Achtung! Portals are now appearing in Japan, ready to your designated positions!

SS Division: Jawohl!

The SS Division splits up to scatter around the places of the Volkshalle

I turn to Erika for external reports

Y/N: How is outside?

Erika: Outside is 100% combat ready. No delays, no problems encountered

Erika looks at her tablet to check for any problems but it seems that everything is all green. AA deployment, armored deployment, Luftwaffe is ready, Kriegsmarine is now patrolling the coastline, etc etc

Y/N: Alright, defend Deutschland with everything you got! Gib dein Herz, gib deinen geist für Deutschland!

SS division: Jawohl!

Soon after, the AA's begin to fire signalling the attack has began and demons of hell began to come to this world to bring damnation and suffering

But i wont let that happen

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