knox-he was right.

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I think this dress is pretty cute no offence, since DPS is set in the 50's I'm trying to dress the reader like they would back than but also have a modern twist.

Basically the reader aka you, goes with Knox to that party Chris invited him to.

You- so uhh what's the game plan Stan?

Knox- uhhh I'm not sure y/n I've never been to a house party before

You- I have but not like this, this is uhhh extreme?

They always tell you to never fall in love with your best friend but you did. And boy did you fall hard. Knox was well perfect, he was sweet, super funny, athletic, smart and totally head over heels for someone else. That someone else being Chris. He came back from dinner at the Danbury's buzzing about that girl who 'was an angel' or so Knox put it. You smiled and went along with it to make him happy but when Chris invited Knox to a party after a dps meeting he knew he had to take you as his plus one.

Knox- I wonder what Chris is wearing tonight?

You- I'm not sure knoxious probably clothes?

Knox- wow y/n, I hope she isn't.

He earned a smack to his arm for that one. You die a little inside every time he talks about Chris, meaning you die alot because he's always talking about her to you; it's very annoying. You'd never met Chris so you really wasn't sure if she was everything he said she was, there wasn't really any hard feelings between you and Chris because at the end of the day she was brought into this mess of your crush but it still hurts a bit.

Knox- Chris hi!

Chris- oh Knox you made it

Knox- oh yea yea I did...oh btw this is y/n

You- hii

The way he looked at her as of she was glowing. Her dress was cute and her blonde hair flowed down her high cheekbones, she was pretty. You felt sort of outta place here, you were dressed so differently than all the other girls here so fancy well Knox was wearing a suit so you guys matched I guess.

Chris- omg Knox talks about you alot I was wondering when we would finally meet.

You- oh really? Good things I hope otherwise you can't copy off me in trig anymore haha.

Knox- hahaha

Chris- oh chet, Chet this is Knox you remember him from the other day right?

Chet- yea I remember him hey buddy

Knox- hi

Chet- ohh who is this your with?

You- oh hi I'm y/n

Chet- oohh hey

He gave you this weird look. You gave Chet a half smile back as you felt Knox tense up next to you. Feeling uncomfortable while Knox and Chris spoke about something you looked around the room. On the sofa you had couples making out, to your left was some speakers and some people dancing, the kitchen was full of red cups scattered across the floor.

Chris- well, I'm gunna leave you boys to talk y/n do you wanna get a drink?

You- uhh you alright on your own knoxious?

Knox- yea I'll be ok, I'll probably join you girls in a bit.

And with that you and Chris were off to the kitchen. You looked behind you to see Knox watching Chris as she walked, Chet was looking straight at you and winked. You turned around super quickly and followed Chris as she walked into the kitchen.

Chris- how long have you and Knox been friends?

You- AHH around hmm I think maybe three years or so now. How long have you and Chet been together?

Chris- oh around five months.

You- oh so not long.

Chris- no no, were did you get your dress?

You- oh I'm not sure, my dad got it from Paris it's really the only dress Im allowed to wear it sucks.

Chris- I think it's lovely

You- oh uhh thanks. Your dress is pretty cute aswell.

Chris- ahh i- thank you Chet likes it so I wear it alot.

You- oh gosh Knox looks so uncomfortable look at him

Chris- awe no he's with bubba yea bubba's very.. odd he's very odd.

You- haha did you see him down that Knox hates drinking.

Chris- same really. You and Knox seem close.

You- yea, yea I guess.

Chris- ask him out.

You- WHAT?? no no I don't, don't like him like that.

Chris- y/n it's so obvious, he always talks about you all the time.

You- he uhhh likes someone else so yea.

Chris- who? I thought you were the only girl at welton, I don't suppose you come into contact with many other girls.

You- no we don't, but uhh I just know he likes someone else and it sucks because there so nice and better than me.

Chris- y/n, I'm not better than you. I wish I looked like you your so lucky and to have this dress I know you hate it but it looks stunning on you.

You- I- how did you know it was you I never said-

Chris- I know. He oogles at me all the time but hey y/n trust me he likes you. Even if he doesn't have a crush on you he loves you, he's always talking about you, your hair and your eyes and that lil red notebook that you write German phrases in. He tells me all about it.

You- really? He talks about you all the time to me... He's so complicated!!

Knox- who's complicated?

You- how's your interaction with bubba go?

Knox- ugh I feel sick. Whisky isn't my drink.

Chris- well I'll leave you two alone now go get em tiger.

Knox- bye Chris. Y/n what's she on about what are you getting?

You- I uhhh hmm apparently a boyfriend but I'm not so sure about that.

Knox- boyfriend?? Who do I know him?

You- yes you do.

Knox- is it Meeks? I know Meeks and you are close

You- no! It's not, it's neither. I just. I'm so anxious to tell him because I'm sure he likes someone else and o don't want to ruin our friendship because it means so much to me.

Knox- it's me isn't it?

You- pshhhh no, no! It's not I uhhhhh fuck ok it is you Knox. I'm absolutely smitten for you and it kills me when you talk about Chris ok, I want you to talk to me about things you love about me, and my eyes, and my smell, and my ass.

Knox- y/n I only talk about Chris to see if you have a reaction. Chet told me thats what I would do,Ake you so jealous you admit your feelings for me so I know you like me back.

You- the dumbass was right.

Knox- yes he was, now what do you want to say about dancing?

You- ugh fine ok but I wanna be back by 1:30, we have another poets meeting late tomorrow.

So wholesome. I will be taking requests so if you have any shoot your shot.

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