Chapter 2~ A Crush

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POV: Toyoshima Hidekazu

I can't deny it. I have a crush on Hoshizora Miyuki. I could hardly believe it. For all my life, I've never had feelings for anyone before. But Miyuki was different. She had something special that no one else had. A certain shine that outshined everyone else. I love everything about her. Her voice, her laugh, her spirit and above all her smile.

All day, I couldn't stop thinking about Miyuki. Whenever I'd see her, I'd start to blush and hide my face so that I don't embarrass myself in front of her. To my surprise, nobody suspected that I was acting weird even though I'm quite the social butterfly.

Finally the school day was over and I immediately rushed home without stopping to catch my breath. When I finally got home, I set down my bag and slouched across my bed.

Me: ARGHHHH! What is wrong with me?! Why I can't get her out of my head?!

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get her out of my head. Her adorable smile flashed in my eyes and her sweet voice echoed in my head.

Me: What am I going to do?


Several months later

It's been quite some time since Miyuki's transfer to our class. My love for her has not changed at all. Everything is about the same as it's been since then. I still have a huge crush on her, but I still haven't muscled up the courage to even talk to her. Pathetic, isn't it. One of the most social guys in our grade, scared to talk to a cute picture book loving girl.

And speaking of Miyuki, she hasn't changed one bit. She is still sweet, spirited and optimistic. I would to go to the library everyday after school just to spy on Miyuki reading books. She takes her reading very seriously. Seeing her cute reactions to every little thing that happens in her books never gets old to me.

????: What are you doing, Toyoshima?

I turn around to see three of my friends Kenji, Satoshi and Shinya standing right next to me.

Me: Eeep!

Everyone, including Miyuki turn to the door and look at me. I blush of embarrassment and quickly get the heck out of there.

Me: What did you do that for?!

Kenji: Sorry about that. We didn't mean to scare you.

Me: It's okay.

Satoshi: More importantly, who were you spying on in there?

Me: N....nothing! It's nothing!

My soon realize that my face is blushing red.

Shinya: Could it be, your secret crush?

Me:!'s not like that!

All three of them begin to tease me as I look away.

Shinya: So...who is it?

Me: I....I already told you! I don't have a crush on anyone!

Kenji: Come on! You can't hide from us. You obviously have a crush on someone!

Satoshi: Please tell us! We promise we won't tell anyone!

I looked back towards them, taking some time to think about it. They're my friends. I've known them for years. They've never broken their promises. I should trust them.

Me: Okay, fine. I admit I have a crush on someone.

Kenji: I knew it! So who is it?

Me: Alright, I tell you. It's.....Hoshizora Miyuki.

Kenji, Satoshi and Shinya: NO WAY!!! THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE!

Me: I know! I could hardly believe it either. But there is something about her, that makes me feel all warm inside.

Shinya: You've got to talk to her!

Me: What?! No way! I can't do that!

Shinya: Why not?

Me: Well...I'm too shy to talk to her.

Kenji: You! Shy! You've got to be joking dude!

Satoshi: Hey, the culture festival is coming up soon. Maybe you could try to talk to her then.

Me: You really think so?

Satoshi: I think so. It could be like a date.

Me: A date huh? I'll give it some thought.

I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. A date? Culture festival. That would be like the perfect time to befriend her. But do I really have the courage to do this? I can't think about that now, we're going to start our planning tomorrow. I need some rest.

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