New Beginnings (Prologue)

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Heya! How ya doing? My name is...You'll find out!...

Now. I know what you're thinking. "Who the hell is This guy!?" and I understand your suspicions.

Well, for shorts, I'm the Future MC! The Protag! All that fun nonsense!

And I want to share my story with you. What story? Well, it's in the title Dumbass!





Anyways. I want to tell you my story of how I was reincarnated into an American show called RWBY!

If you've been on wattpad before you're more than aware of it! It's like....EVERYWHERE...

But that's not what's important. What's important right now is getting into it. Because you guys don't want to hear future me talking now, would you? That wouldn't be fun for the plot.

So we're gonna get into it!

Have fun, choke on your saliva, and enjoy the chapter of my troubling life to become the greatest criminal there ever was!

See ya again in 1,000,000 chapters!




(Directors POV)

It was a disastrous night in the city of Elizabeth Town.

(Shout out to JoshuaPolanco2 for the city).

The war was getting worse, and the soldiers were falling every second.

As the Russians invaded the city, the French and the Americans relentlessly defended the territory.

Explosions and gunfire were the only things that were heard. The screaming of soldiers resounded for only moments.

Out of all the bloodshed, two people were in the middle of it all staring at each other in a standoff.

One was a black-haired brown-eyed young man who wore the American Uniform. His name was Kuro. The other was a brown-haired boy with darkened blue eyes who wore a Russian Uniform. his name was Vlad.

Kuro:"Long time no see....Vlad..."

Vlad said nothing and stared at him.

Kuro only dryly laughed.

Kuro:"Vlad! I can stop all of this!" He told his friend as he pulled out a folder with papers evidently inside. "I've got the evidence that Russia accidentally started this war! We can end this and be friends again!"

Vlad stood motionless for a moment, but then his eyes narrowed and he slowly began to take out his handgun.

Vlad:"There will be no need for any evidence..." He muttered as Kuro's eyes widened.

Kuro:"What! Why! This evidence could stop the war instantly" He Yelled in frustration as Vlads eyes dampened.

Vlad:"I-I...I don't want to go back to living the normal life Kuro!" He Yelled as Kuro looked at him in shock.

Vlad:"War is the only thing I know anymore! I don't want to go back yet!"

Kuro:"What about your Parents!? What about your Girlfriend!"

Vlad:"I don't know Kuro! I Don't! That's why I can't let that evidence get out!" He Yelled in anger.

Kuro looked at him with an emotionless gaze.

I Was Reborn In RWBY With The System Of Crime...Where stories live. Discover now