The Beginning Of Something Special (Eps 5)

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It had been 7 Months, and I was 9 months old now. Over the months I was solely Working on my Knowledge of the world. I pretty much know everything I need to know.

The most interesting thing through this time period was the Mission I got.


New Mission!

Operation R.W.B.Y

Survive until the first Volume!

Time Completion: 14 years, 2 months

Rewards: SSR Gear, 50,000 EXP, 100,000 Lien



Isn't that like a part of a Series or something?

I wasn't sure exactly what the First Volume was, but I was planning on doing it anyways.

But now. I think it's time I take my first steps to greatness...With my first literal steps.

I was currently with mom and dad, who were trying to get me and Ruby to walk over to Mom. I could only crawl to her as I wasn't used to walking anymore, and every time I tried, I fell on my butt.

This is quite a child.

Summer:"Come on Kuro. Come to mommy!" She said with a smile.

I felt the urge to come to her, So I put both of my hands on the ground and began to Stand up.

As I lifted my body, I quickly balanced myself and slowly began to walk over to mom.

Summer:"Tai! Tai! He's walking!" She excitedly said As Dad looked at me Proudly.

Ruby stared at me intently and began to copy my movements, eventually standing up too.

I slowly, but eventually, got to mom and hugged her leg...and less than a minute later, Ruby came and fell in front of her.

Mom hugged us with an ecstatic expression.

Summer:"Who are my cute little roses? Yes, you are! Oh! I should celebrate this with cookies!" She Said with a happy expression as she placed me down.

Cookies? That sounds Lovely....too lovely...

As Mom ran into the kitchen, Dad picked us up.

Tai:"Woah! You two are getting heavy! But not too much for your Pops!" I giggled at his antics as he smiled and took us to our playpen.

Through these months, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with my family. Due to my past life, I realized that my family and I took each other for granted and that we should've spent more time together. I hope my death was an eye-opener for them.

But my old life is over. My new one will be redemption for the mistakes that I couldn't fix.

As I sat in the playpen, Ruby crawled to me and began to stare at me.

This was unusual, and I stared back.

She suddenly smiled and hugged me.

...What's going on...

I didn't know what to do but just hugged her back.

I wasn't bothered about it, but I wanna see how you'd react to a baby hugging you out of the blue.

I Was Reborn In RWBY With The System Of Crime...Where stories live. Discover now