Day Twelve: Decay

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Dedicated to @blueLevi. You're the one who reawakened the supergirls to my mind. I brought them here for you. <3


        We tromped uphill as the sky darkened, sweat and dew alike glistening on more than one brow. Kasidee had offered us a cooling mist after the battle, but she wasn't able to produce much. I glanced back at her, noticing the drooping of the flowers that had entwined themselves in her hair. She needed rest; we all did. But the day was not done, the war not won. We just needed to gather the rest of our team, Mary specifically. Maybe then we stood a chance.

        As we crested the mountain, I sighed with relief to see the roomy little cabin. "You're a sight for sore eyes," I muttered under my breath. Somehow, Natalie, who was being supported between myself and Kasidee, had the energy to throw me a sly grin.

        "Talking to yourself again, Kim?"

        I shrugged, not really in the mood for jests at the moment. I just wanted to get to the rest of the girls, hoping and praying that somehow, between Mary's witchcraft and Roman's angelic abilities, Mandy had been cured from her hellish ailment. I was optimistic that she'd be okay. What other choice did I have?

        Carter reached the door first, as she was probably in the best condition out of our entire group. Mind, we had all sustained injuries, but hers were minor compared to ours. Natalie's were easily the worst, considering the nasty gash on her leg. Kasidee was dehydrated and feverish after our ordeal, and Lydia had somehow managed to burn herself again. Figures.

        I was more mentally drained than anything, but a deep gash on my cheek was throbbing in a manner that it could not be ignored. My gloves and hands were somewhat singed from offering help to our little Glitch, which, I might add, I regret more and more everytime I help her. I had already promised Lydia that the next time her crap backfired, she could help herself. Then again, I kind of said that many other times as well.... But I digress.

        Carter knocked on the door, standing solemnly before it as she waited for an answer. Her white dress fluttered in the wind, her hair spreading elegantly out behind her, having fallen out of her signature braid during the melee. Even so, it was so elegant that I wanted to yell at her; I knew very well that as soon as I removed my helmet, my hair would go everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

        "Come in," a hoarse voice croaked. We all exchanged a glance. That didn't sound good. That didn't sound good at all.

        We eased our way into the tiny structure easily, and Kasidee and I sat Natalie down on a stool, careful to mind her injured leg. She hissed under her breath when she accidently put pressure on it, but no more. Natalie was a brave one; she wouldn't cry over a mendable injury.

        While my team found seats around the main room, I forced myself toward the curtain seperating us from the kitchen, where I knew Mandy was being tended to. Honestly, I wanted nothing more to just sit down and nurse my wounds, but I knew better. I was their leader. I had to put myself last.

        "How's it going back here?" I asked in a low voice, pushing the curtain aside to enter the painfully hot room. Mandy lay unconcious upon the table, which creaked under her weight. For the most part she was covered with a thin white sheet, but her bare toes stuck out from underneath. They were completely black, looking like they'd become ash at just one touch. And for all I knew, they would.

        Mary was sitting at the table with her head in her hands, black hair knotted and slender fingers scratched and bloodied. She didn't look up at me when she spoke, and I knew she was stil beating herself up over Mandy's condition. Noting that Roman wasn't in the room, I took a seat next to the distraught meta-witch crossbreed, knowing very well that she'd curse me into oblivion if I voiced that categorization.

        "Relax," I said to her, keeping my voice down. "Mary, it was an accident. You can't control your abilities; that's not your fault. You were caught off guard. No one can blame you for forgetting that you didn't have your gloves on."

        Mary just let out a defeated sigh, not bothering to look up. "I can blame myself," she responded in a muffled voice. "And I do. I was so stupid. And now...." Her voice hitched. "Amanda's going to die because of me."

        I shook my head, choosing not to believe such a morbid declaration. "She'll be fine," I soothed. "Between you and Roman, there's no way we'll lose her. Just calm down, and--"

        Mary shot up faster than even Natalie could've done, eyes flashing red. "How can you say that?" she shrieked, and I winced, remembering that she had some banshee in her blood. "How can you sit there and comfort me? I'm a beast; look what I've done to Amanda! You need to step up your game and do what any good leader would do, Kimberly!"

        I watched her patiently. "And what is that?"

        Mary fell to the floor, sobbing, and I almost didn't hear her answer. But I did, and it sent a pang through my heart.

        "Kill me."

        I looked down at the distraught girl, knowing I had to do something. "I'm not going to kill you, Mary Black," I said quietly, hoping that none of the other girls were listening in. (And if they were, I was prepared to kill them.) "You're part of this team, and we don't just abandon our team members when they make mistakes." I raised an eyebrow. "Did we abandon Carter when she went rogue? Did we abandon Amanda when she wasn't talking to us?" An unbidden grin lit up my otherwise pallid features. "Did we abandon Lydia just because she's a deficient little Glitch?"

        "No, but--"

        I reached out to touch her shoulder. "No, Mary. There are no buts. Mandy will get better, and you need to forgive yourself. We need you out there. We need your confidence, your level-headedness." I paused for a moment. "We need the Living Dead to rise again."

        Ever so slowly, Mary looked up at me in awe. I smiled at her, and, with only a moment's hesistation, she returned the smile. "Go suit up," I said to her quietly, nodding toward the door that led to the bathing room."I still need to talk with Roman, and Natalie might need stitches." My eyes shone with mischeif. "And Glitch needs her burns treated?"

        Mary looked up at me in exasperation. "Again?"

        I nodded. "Again."

        Smiling broadly, Mary nodded, and hurried off to suit up and fetch the medical kit. That was when a chortle met my ears.

        "Nice pep talk, Braniac."

        I looked up at Roman, grinning like an idiot to see her white wings spread out behind her in all their beauty. "Thanks. I'm assuming you heard the whole thing.

        Roman didn't answer, instead grinning as she bounded over next to the decaying Amanda. She reached into her pocket and extracted a tiny bottle of a silvery substance. I raised an eyebrow quizzically.

        "Ichor," she responded to my unasked question. I nodded my understanding. "It'll have some nasty sideaffects, but if anything can cure our resident drama queen, this stuff can."

        I wrinkled my nose. "Sideaffects?

        "You don't want to know."

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