Chapter Six

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i'm kinda on a writing streak rn so two chapters in one day hahah anyway back to the story... 

His familiar voice glided through the air, flowing from the TV speakers. They had come together for dinner, tuning into another episode of Ross' show.

Ross' deep voice lingered in the background while they conversed. Joey, Chandler, Rachel and Mark were seated in the living room, while Monica and Phoebe tidied the dishes. They conversed amongst each other, finally together after their long day of work.

Rachel intently focused on the TV screen, zoning out of the conversation as the camera focused solely on Ross. He had told them repeatedly that he was enjoying his new job; Rachel believed his words when she saw how enthusiastic he was. He spoke directly to the camera about a new fossil, using scientific terms, holding the bone in his hands. Rachel felt as if he spoke directly to her, telling her he was enjoying what he was doing, telling her not to miss him.

It had been a month since he had left. They all continued to miss having him nearby. They would have to make due with viewing him on TV and talking to him on the phone until he returned. However, watching his TV show was delightful; it felt like their group was somewhat complete.

As time passed it was slowly becoming easier to live without him, but that didn't mean they still didn't miss him.

Rachel found it difficult to be without Ross, especially now that her relationship with Mark was becoming troubled. It seemed like they had less in common than they'd originally thought, there was only so time their shared interest in fashion could fill their conversations. Nonetheless, she continued to give him a chance, she included him in everything she did with her friends. It felt good to be able to turn to him for comfort.

A sigh escaped her lips as she stared at the screen. Joey and Chandler were in the throes of a heated discussion about a female actor in Joey's play; Rachel figured no one had noticed her longing glances at the TV.

Mark did notice. He wrapped his arm around her as they sat on the white couch. He kissed her hair, realizing how hard it must be to have her friend Ross on the other side of the world.


Ross relaxed in his hotel room, lounging amidst the fluffy pillows on his bed. He took the time, this morning, to read over his notes while he drank a cup of coffee. He relaxed in a t-shirt and pyjama pants, adoring the fact that he did not have to be constricted in a suit for the time being. He had quickly settled into his routine at his new job.

He treasured every moment of his trip. The early mornings didn't feel as early when he knew he'd be rewarded with seeing new fossils and speaking with new scientists throughout the day. He got to share his thoughts and argue his scientific theories, both of which he loved to do.

Missing his friends and family was normally stored in the back of his mind. It was difficult to remember his grief when he was having such a great time.

Normally, it hit him at night; it did the night that had just passed. As he lay in bed, staring at the dark room around him, he recalled the sounds of New York City. The traffic driving by on the street below, the honking cars, the wailing sirens; it was difficult to fall asleep in his virtually silent hotel room. His thoughts were free to roam to the people he'd left behind, especially Rachel.

From what he'd heard, she and Mark were getting along well. Mark was treating Rachel right, and that's all that mattered to Ross at the moment. There was nothing he could do as he travelled so far from home.

His plan to move on had not begun to work. He thought about her less, but his love for her wouldn't cease.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door that set his heart pounding.

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