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The atmosphere in the cramped space was filled partially with excitement and partially with nerves. Ross had been through this before, many years ago, and reliving this experience hadn't stopped bringing back memories all day.

The bright lights around the mirror shone into his eyes as he looked at his reflection. Long gone was his head of perfect dark brown hair, in its place was brown hair with grey throughout. Still, he styled it every day with his signature hair gel. A light dusting of makeup covered his face, but his gentle wrinkles still crinkled in all their regular places. He certainly was older than he was the last time he sat in this chair, waiting for his cue.

He glanced to his left, smiling at the man in the chair beside him. He watched as the makeup artist finished with the man's hair and began brushing makeup onto his face. The woman stood back, studying her work.

Cameron caught his father staring at him from his own chair.

"What? What's wrong?" Cameron questioned, in a panic he examined his appearance in the mirror in front of him.

"You look great. Nothing's wrong at all, Cam. Or should I say Doctor Geller," Ross responded, with a chuckle.

Cameron laughed with Ross; it was strange to hear his father address him so formally. He adjusted the name tag on his lab coat. It read: Dr. Cameron Geller, PhD.

He had followed in his father's footsteps; he had become a paleontologist as well. His father had been his roll model ever since he was little. They would visit the museum together, they would joke around and they would discuss their common interests; they shared a special bond.

Ross smiled to himself as the makeup artist returned to preparing Cameron. He had grown into a handsome young man; in fact, he looked a lot like Ross did when he was younger. He certainly had his father's eyes and face shape, but his dark blonde hair was a good mix of both his parents.

"There, finished," The woman commented, as she put her foundation back into her makeup box. "Is there anything else I can touch up?" She asked as she tidied her work station.

"Not unless you can do something about my grey hair," Ross commented as he ran his hand over it.

"I can't help you there," The stylist laughed. "I'll tell them you're ready when they are." Ross and Cameron nodded, and then she left.

Suddenly, Ross felt a different hand caress his hair. He glanced in the mirror to see Rachel standing behind him.

"You don't like your grey hair? I think it's sexy," Rachel whispered in Ross' ear.

Ross loved the way Rachel had aged gracefully, her wonderful body included. Rachel had matured, but Ross swore she was just as beautiful as the day he married her.

"Hey you," Ross said, greeting her in their usual way.

"Hey you. Just thought I'd drop by and see how you two were doing. Monica and Chandler called to wish you luck," Rachel explained, but Ross seemed distracted.

"Phoebe and Joey called this morning," Ross declared, but his eyes were focused on Cameron.

"That's good, honey.... Is there, um, something on your mind?" Rachel asked, unable to understand her husband's stare. She assumed it was nerves, Cameron sure seemed nervous as well.

"I was just thinking of the day we got the results, the day Cameron officially became my son."

He remembered it like it was yesterday.

He had gone down to get the mail as Rachel and Cameron continued to unpack, moving in to his apartment.

Ross had decided to read the letters as he walked towards the stairs: a few bills, and then a very interesting letter. It was clear that the envelope contained an important document; Ross' heart had begun to pound. It was finally there: the answer.

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