Chapter 2

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The warm sunlight pushed through the drapes on Aurelias bed as she woke up the next day. Somehow, she had gotten to her own bed. How? She thought but soon found the answer. In a chair next to the bed draped sideways across it, was a snoring Levi. Auri smiled, of course, he'd woken up and carried her up to the castle, they'd been doing it for years since Auri had become obsessed with the stars. She glanced at the clock on her wall, and gasped loudly, causing Levi to jump in his chair.

'Aurelia!' he said, rubbing his neck and sitting up properly.

'The time! Oh, look at the time!' Auri moaned, her Mother really was going to kill her this time. 'Levi, I have brunch with Mother in less than an hour!!'

'Well, we'd best get you ready then.' Said Levi, immediately going to the wardrobe and selecting a rosy red gown with suns embroidered on the sleeves.

Auri slipped into the washroom rinsing her face and glancing at the bags under her eyes. The mirror showed a bedraggled girl, tired and with a ratty mess of hair. Also, with only her undergarments on. Thank god Levi had, had the sense to take her gorgeous gown of starlight off of her before bed, but for the first time, the thought of it made her slightly uncomfortable.

Pushing the thoughts from her mind, Auri quickly powdered her face, applying blush to her cheeks. Trying to make herself look more awake. Then she tackled her hair. Pulling and brushing until it was silky smooth. She decided that down was the best way to go today, really, she just didn't want to do her hair. Slipping several jewelled clips into it she left the washroom.

Levi had the day dress spread out and ready to go and had somehow managed to find Auris secret stash of shortbread biscuits. Auri pulled her dress on fastening the front straps and ribbons until all that was left was the back. She turned to Levi, but he was already tightening and then tying off the delicate ribbons.

'Seriously, Levi,' began Auri, 'you are the best.'

'I know.' He said flippantly as he finished up the ribbons. 'You're all set, highness.'

Auri smiled gratefully as she left the room, rushing along the corridors to her mother's greenhouse and garden. She was racing against the clock, pushing through people, trying her hardest to not disrupt anyone. Of course, people stared although Auri wondered why they bothered anymore. It's not like it was a strange sight to see her running through corridors in an attempt to not be late.

Auri dashed into the greenhouse, just as the clocks struck 11. The bells ringing out through the castle. She slowed her walk and fixed her hair, pushing several locks behind her ears. As the tables and couches came into view Aurelia spotted a welcome sight. Katherine Anne was already here, chatting with the queen, hopefully distracting her from Auri's accidental sleep in. Aurelia caught Kat's eye just as the bells finished their eleventh ring, Kat pulling her into the conversation effortlessly.

'But of course, Aurelia could tell you herself,' said Kat to the queen, causing her to turn and spot Auri.

'Here as promised mother, right on time.' Said Auri with a nervous smile, 'Now what am I to tell you myself?'

'Oh, Katherine here, was just telling me about your efforts to learn our great history.' Said the queen serenely, was Auri imagining the glint in her eye. She was definitely being tested.

'Of course, it's essential for a ruler to know of the past, so as to not make previous mistakes.' answered Auri calmly. There was no need to let her mother know what part of their vast history she was studying in-depth. Trying to take the focus off herself, she said 'Surely you do not wish to discuss the boring history of long-dead people?'

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