Chapter 16 - The Mates (E)

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Pov change
Beast speach

Hadrians Pov - where the last chapter finished

"wh..wh....what you m..mean"i say

"I d..d....dont k...know wh....what your ta...talking about" I stutter out before pulling out of his grasp walking away through the crowd

I walk up to the main balcony on the 3rd floor

5 minutes later I'm sat curled up on one of the chair

I hear footsteps so I curl further into myself

"Hades hunny talk to us" Sirius says sitting on his knees to the left of the chair

"please sweetheart just let you scent out sweetie it will be fine we love you already" Remus says

I shake my head shoulders shaking with sobs

"Hunny please" Sirius says placing a hand on my thigh and whimpering

My neko and dragon got really upset so I let my scent out

"Mate" they both growl out

I whimper harder and Sirius rubs my thigh and my head

"Hades why didn't you want us to know" Sirius asks

"you would never love me I'm just your best friends son I'm not special you deserve so much more" I whisper tears rolling down my face as I curl up further

"we do love you, your our sub we will always love you no matter what" Remus says

"you are special, your amazing, you just don't see how beautiful you are" Sirius says

I lift my head slightly and Remus opens his arms and I launch into them sitting on his lap on the floor

We cuddle for a good 30 minutes

"what time is it" I whisper out

"10:30 pm Hades why" Remus replies

"we should probably get back down there" I say pulling my head out of his neck

"come on then" Sirius says getting up and pulling me up with him

I tidy up my dress and then my make up then walk with Sirius and Remus

When we get to the ballroom we part ways I go to Bellatrix and Rhodlphus, they go to Tom, Lucius and Narcissa

"hey Hades you okay" Bella asks as I stand next to them

"fine never better fan-fucking-tastic" I say with a smile that is partly real but partly sarcastic

"woah OK what happened are you okay" Rhodlphus asks going into protective mode

"Well I'm fine but a part of me wants to jump for joy or cry so yeah I'm great" I say a few small tears fall from my eyes

"oh Hades come here" Rhodlphus says holding out his arms

I walk straight into them and sigh in relief at the comfort

"hey did you tell Sirius and Remus is that what's making you upset" Bella asks

I look at her an nod

Bellatrix squeals and jumps up and down the few family's remaining happen to be the weasleys, Dumbledore and then my family and they all turn to look at what's happening

I sigh then roll my eyes and go back to hugging Rhodlphus, Rhodolphus rolls his eyes and places his head on top mine

The group walk over to us after The Weasleys and Dumbledore have been ushered out by Narcissa

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