Chapter 5 - he will rise someday

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Far away from the castle in a shadowy area a man was sitting at a desk reading a book "no no nooooo" he screamed "all this information is useless" then he pushed all the books off his desk and they ended up in a pile on the floor he was sitting at his desk his hands together going into deep thought "sir" his servant said as he entered the room his servant was a short chubby man who barely had any hair left on his head "yesss" the man at the desk leaned forward "the red riders have arrived" the servant said happily "bring them to me" his voice was cold and mean then the servant walked out the room and 5 strong men appeared "the red riders how lovely to see you do you bring me useful information" he said walking away from his desk then one of them stepped forward holding a page it was half of a prophecy the man snatched it and sat back down at his desk "yes yes yes" he said clutching to the paper "this is what I've been looking for" but one of the red riders stepped forward "what about our payment" his rough voice echoed throughout the dark cold room then the man behind the desk stood up "don't worry about your payment I will provide you with all the riches your heart desires but first I'm going to need you to do a couple more things" then he stopped at that and the men each looked at each other "anything our heart desires" the one man asked "anything"he had a wicked smile on his face the men all nodded "alright what do you want us to do" he was rubbing his hands together and giving a cocky smile "well for starters I want you to leave this room" the man stood dead still "uh alright" he repeated as him and the 5 other men left the room then the room became dark only being lit by a small candle "he will rise again" the man repeated the walked down into his dungeon where a man and a 19 year old boy where being held captive "it seems your power grows weaker by the day but I still need your help with something or the boy dies" the man was weak and tired "please let my son go I've done everything you asked" but the evil man stared at the staircase "not yet" those words were followed by a laugh.
Back at the castle Katie was sitting on one of the castle's many rooftops she was looking up at the sky when she heard someone trying to climb up "how on earth did you manage to get up here" she heard the voice say when she looked up she saw allura hanging off the side of the roof "can I get a hand" she asked Katie reached towards her and pulled her up "alright then" she said dusting herself off Katie went back to looking up at the sky "what are you looking at" Katie then pointed to a bunch of stars in the night sky allura laid down next to her "what about the stars" she asked but Katie started to point around "they are called constellations look over there is the Aquila and over there is Lyra and if you look just beyond that you'll see the group of stars that connect to form Cygnus which is also known as the Northern Cross" Allura's eyes widened "wow" she said "how do you know all this" Katie smiled "well it's from my stories and my astrology books" Allura sat up "you do this every night" she asked her little sister but Katie didn't get up she stayed laying down looking at the stars "most nights only really when I need to clear my head" Allura smiled "that's definitely something I need to do" then she heard the calling of some maids "should we be getting down they're looking for us" she nudged her sister but Katie didn't move "let them search" she said closing her eyes on the roof but when she opened them she was laying in her bed when she looked around she saw her handmaid "Cristina?" she asked rubbing her eyes "oh good your awake you can't just be falling asleep anywhere" she said concerned 'now come on it's time for dinner" Cristina said Katie got ready and went to dinner "looks like someone was tired" the queen said smiling Katie blushed in embarrassment Allura then smiled at her baby sister "the final event for the knights are tomorrow" the king announced around the table Katie was celebrating on the inside after that statement "we get to watch right" Katie asked her father he chuckled "of course why wouldn't we" he said smiling every single time Katie loved watching the knights with their jousting and sword fighting it was the best day ever that night Katie went to bed by her windowsill area again but that night lance wasn't resting easily again he kept seeing images from his past he watched as his mother was sold to a slave trader and his father and him were sent to go work for the royal family he was only three when that happened when he arrived at the castle he was covered in burns and scratches as he was placed in the slave market from the day he was born he had many burns and untreated wounds and he hadn't had a shower in weeks for those 3 years of his life he had been beaten even before he could even walk life was always unfair to him he had barely eaten any food and was extremely skinny and barely knew any English while sleeping on a cold dusty floor and he expected the same treatment when he entered the castle him and his father would get dirty looks from the other servants lance would watch his father work all day just for enough money for food until both him and his father were invited to stay in the castle but he fell into a dark pit of despair watching his mother get tortured over and over again that's when he woke up heavily breathing and sweating "rough night" he heard a voice say it was to dark in the room to see who it was but the voice seemed very close "I never thought you could ever have a nightmare" lance rubbed his eyes "is this another dream what's going on" he thought then a glimpse of moonlight came into the room and he could see the face of the voice "Keith?" He asked but he just turned away as the clouds started to cover the moon again a lance used the darkness to fall asleep again and as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out cold but Keith was still awake sharpening his dagger and reading a book he had trouble sleeping that night so he just decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air.
After a while Keith decided that he was tired enough and wanted to go back inside but he saw something out of the corner of his eye it was a girl walking around on a rooftop Keith decided to follow her just in case after 10 minutes of following her she noticed him and got such a shock that she fell off the roof it was a good thing Keith caught her "hello there" he said holding her in his arms that's when he noticed she was that young girl from the stables "you again"she snarled he then wiped the smile off his face "what were you doing do you know how dangerous that is" she rolled her eyes "you sound just like my parents" then Keith noticed her flinch and saw her wrist "is it sprained he asked she looked at her wrist "no" she sternly asked and jumped out of his arms "you should see a medic about that" he advised her but she shook her head "I'll be fine" and walked away Keith thought nothing of it and returned to his sleeping quarters and fell asleep thinking about the girl he thought he would of forgot about...

The image does not belong to me I say this in every chapter so I hope you guys have caught on

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