Chapter 6 - sword dual

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The next morning Katie was the first person awake it was still quite dark because it was before sunrise that's when she ran to Allura's bedroom "come on wake up wake up" she nagged while pulling on the half asleep princess "Katie what time is it" she mumbled but Katie was too excited and ripped her duvet off of her and dragged her out the bed while leading her to her bedroom by this time the princess was mostly awake "Katie where are we going" she laughed but Katie kept running until she got to her room and climbed out onto her windowsill "hurry up" she moaned so Allura followed her until the got onto the roof and Katie pointed off into the far distance where you could see the smallest bit of light but after a couple more minutes you could see the most beautiful sunrise Katie was smiling and allura had a gaping mouth and wide eyes "this is beautiful" she said Katie was still smiling "the longe optimum mountin pulchritudinem sol the most beautiful sunrise of the year every morning before the sword dual it will rise" she remarked still staring at it Allura was impressed at the fact that her little sister knew all about astronomy and nature what next but her gaze was broken when she noticed the little girl walking away "Katie that looks dangerous I would come back if I were you" she shouted out but Katie didn't listen she never did and kept walking Allura was about to chase after her when she saw her slip allura gave a frightful scream as she watched her little sister fall of the roof Katie was bracing for impact when she realized there was no ground she hadn't hit anything "hello again" Katie heard a familiar voice but she was too distracted by the pain in her wrist this was the second time she had fallen off a roof after a while she noticed Allura running towards her the sun was still rising and not many people were awake "thank you for catching my sister" allura said running towards Keith "your welcome" he politely said still holding Katie in his arms "I'm princess allura and you are" Keith stopped, he was talking with future queen of altea while holding her sister but he came back to reality "my name is Keith kogane princess I'm training to become a knight" he wanted to bow but remembered he was holding a person.
Keith had met the king before but never the rest of the royal family so it was a shock to him when he realized that he was talking directly to one of the members.
Allura helped her sister out of his arms and the two of them started walking away back into the castle "the girl from the stables is the princess" Keith thought screaming on the inside then he ran back to his room still in shock "hey mullet where you been" lance asked him while he was suiting up Keith shook his head there was no way he was gonna tell lance he was with the princesses "I just went for a walk to clear my head"he said in excuse and lance believed him "you better be getting ready we will be escorted to the training grounds in an hour and I heard the royal family will watch us even princess allura".
Keith gave a nod and started getting ready the princesses were also getting ready and once Allura was done she went to Katie's room and asked the servant for privacy "are you ok you fell from such a height" allura asked concerned about her well-being "I'm fine" Katie annoyedly said "just leave me be" but Allura was having none of Katie's sulking "listen to me you are a princess not some village rascal you can't keep climbing on rooftops hanging out in stables and getting yourself dirty it's time you grew up and realized your priorities" then she left the room and the maid came back in to finish off getting Katie ready after that Katie looked outside her window "I wish I wasn't a princess".
Later that day each of the knights were escorted to the training grounds and they were instructed about how the royal family would be watching so they must not make a fool of themselves each one of the young men then proceeded to practice by either sparing with a partner or fighting a dummy and when the time came each of the men stepped off to the side as loud trumpet noises blared and the king and queen followed by their two daughters, Katie and allura walked to their seating area Lance had been starring at allura wide eyed until Keith nudged his shoulder "hey lover boy maybe if you stopped starring at the princess and focused this could go faster" Lance broke his gaze and looked forward at the king and bowed with the rest of the men until the signal was given and the 6 men were put in pairs.
Keith had been paired with a man named Thomas stilg who looked at least 4 years older then him and was a lot taller Keith took a deep breath as the sword dual began and the large man probably twice his size came charging at him but Keith was cool under pressure and knew exactly what he should do and step 1 was not to panic Keith made quick and fast movements dodging and attacking his opponent while the royal family was sitting up high looking down on him.
Katie was excited and impressed that he could do that, her eyes widened every time he did something new "one day I'll be like him" she whispered softly Allura was already extremely bored of the sword dual and was focusing more on what her life would be like marrying the prince she could see herself standing in the back corner holding her three sons while her husband was extremely happily ruling what was once her kingdom she wished the nightmare could be over when she could feel someone squeezing her hand she opened her eyes to see her little sister looking down at the boy with the dark black hair she was biting her lip and staring as she watched the young man struggle on the floor barely keeping the other man's sword away.
Allura peered at the other three groups and there he was it was Lance that silly boy she was still shocked he had made it this far and even believed he could actually become a knight then she started starring at him as his quick sword movements beat his opponent she could see him standing next to his opponent holding the metal blade above his the man's chest.
The man accepted defeat and stood up while Lance was still smirking the only pair left was the boy with dark black hair versing the biggest man she had seen she could hear the sound of the metal swords hitting each other until with one quick movement the smaller boy was able to get him to fall onto the floor his back hit the ground and the sound was so loud it echoed throughout the castle.
With a tired breath Keith placed the sword over his opponents chest and smirked as he claimed victory a soft "yesss" could be heard from the youngest princess as he bowed and joined the other 2 victorians and the three of them bowed before the royal family.
After that the royal family stood up to leave the king went first followed by his queen and then the two princesses after being escorted by the night back into the castle princess Katie ran straight to her room jumping on her bed and saying to herself "did you see that he was like pow pow and then the other guy was I don't think so" Katie was jumping up and down on her bed pretending to sword fight when he sister appeared "hello knight would you mind if i joined you" she said in a sarcastic tone.
Then she picked up a pillow and hit her sister right in the face while giggling so Katie picked up her pillow and started hitting Allura with it and this went on for quite some time before a servant came in "princess Allura the queen wishes to see yon and princess Katie please stop jumping up and down you'll get hurt" Allura stopped dead still whenever her parents wanted to see her privately bad things would happen she slowly made her way through the castle wall and knocked on the door to the great hall where her parents would usually would sit in their thrones she slowly opened the door to see her parents staring at her with straight faces then her mother began to talk"...

Image does not belong to me non of these images will ever belong to me

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