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"I... I don't know if I can.."  

Bakugo looked down at his boyfriend with a look of confusion on his face, "Why can't you tell me?" he looked hurt and confused all at once. "I- I just don't know how you'll take it..." Kirishima said averting his eyes, "Shittyhair, I don't care what it is, just tell me" the angry pomegranate said. Kirishima looked away and had to quickly decide in his head if he was going to tell Bakugo or not.

"Well..." he started slowly, "Remember Midoryia and how he got the disease?" Kirishima started figuring it was best to tell Bakugo one way or another. "yeah, what about it?" Bakugo asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice, "I found out who he's in love with..." The ash-blond raised an eyebrow. "Who is it??" He asked sounding rather interested this is where Kirishima hesitated. Should he tell him? Should he not?

Inhaling in a sharp breath Kirishima said in the shakiest but the sternest voice he could muster, "you.."


Deku was in his dorm room, he was doing his work coughing up petals and blood in the process but he didn't care anymore. He was used to the blood and petals at this point he just had to wait a few more days before the surgery... A few days. 

He had just finished his essay for English when he heard a knock at his door, curious, he went and opened it. Standing before him was none other than the explosive boy himself and his boyfriend, "O-Oh! Kacchan? Kirishima? what do you guy nee-" "Cut the bullshit Deku," Bakugo said looking him in the eyes "E-Eh?" Deku said confusingly. 

"I know Deku" Bakugo had said, Deku didn't know what he was implying until he looked over at Kirishima and saw his behavior. Did he mean he knew his feelings? "I-I don't know what y-you're-" "Deku shut the fuck up!" Bakugo said angrily cutting him off, "Why didn't you fucking tell me?! I wouldn't have given two fucks!"

Both Kirishima and Deku could tell Bakugo was getting angry "Katsuki dude- calm down a bit alright?-" Kirishima said placing a hand on Bakugo's shoulder only for him to shrug it off. Bakugo was breathing heavily he was red in the face from anger and he couldn't form words, "L-Listen Kacchan I-I-" Once again, he was cut off. 

"God fucking damn it!" was surprisingly all that was said by the angry male before he stormed off, "Sorry Midoryia, He didn't take it well," Kirishima said looking at the floor. "Don't worry about it... I never accepted him to except my feelings anyway" 

Bowing Kirishima said his last apologies as he walked away.


Bakugo was sitting in his room scrolling through things on his phone trying not to think of anything that had just occurred. He couldn't quite comprehend what happened, why would Deku like him? He scoffed and pushed it to the back of his mind, he didn't care Deku was his childhood friend... And it was going to stay that way.


Kirishima walked back to Bakugo's room, closing the door behind him he walking over to the bed and sat down. "You could've been a little nicer to him Katsuki" the redhaired male pointed out. "I was mad... It's not like I hate him or anything" Bakugo said looking up from his phone, Kirishima looked at him seriously. "Katsuki I get you don't necessarily like Deku but that was harsh" Bakugo glanced to the side finally letting the thought sink in.

"I know but how is anyone supposed to feel when they find out they're the fucking reason someone got a disease that could kill them?!" Bakugo said with his voice cracking a bit, Kirishima's eyes widened a bit he never thought about it like that. He never once considered that. Deku, if not getting the surgery could die he knew he could die but legit never thought that deep into it.

Kirishima hugged bakugo tightly, he didn't say anything he knew bakugo probably didn't want him to. Not even a minute later bakugo hugged Kiri back hiding his face in his neck, they stayed like that for awhile breathing slowly and taking in each other's embrace. 

~*And That's the end of today's chapter, It's sad I'm going to have to say this but please be nice in the comments. No hate on Deku or anything please :/ 
Anyway, Thank you for reading today's chapter! Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening, Don't forget to tune in next time, and as always, hope you enjoyed.*~

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