Chapter 6:Meeting old enemies

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(Pic of Dylan at the side)

I lyied on the couch as I groaned.

Afrer Dylan agreed to help Jackson made him to 'show us what he is capable of so we could judge if he'll stay' well......he almost kill the wolf he was fighting with so he stays....!

I don't know why I am so open with Dylan, its like  something inside me is telling me to trust him.....

The door being opened snapped me out of my thoughts.I smelled the twins so I relaxed.

"Hey"They both said and flopped on the couch next to me.

"Hey"I said back and spotted a bruice on Jacob's face which slowly healed. I raised an eyebrow

"What happened to your face???"I asked him and he looked at me

"Jackson made me fight with Fin and he hates me so he pretty much won..."He trailed off and I shook my head

"He's weak thats all I know"I said and the door bell rang.Jacob went to open the door and he walked in....

"Hey Jacob,Dominic"He said and smiled.He turned to me"Angel"I just nodded

"Peter"I spatted"What do you want?" He looked at me for a second before he answered

"Just came by to say hi"I rolled my eyes. Before I could tell him to leave a siren started. I covered my ears with my hands and squeezed my eyes sat...

Its so fucking loud.....

Once it stopped I saw Dominic, Jacob and Peter with pale faces. The door slammed open and in came Dylan looking around

"What was that???"He asked but the boys didn't answer. I walked up to them and shocked them with electricity,just alittle bit so they would focuse.

They rubbed their arms where I shocked them.

"What's going on??"I asked in Alpha tone.

"The hunters are coming. Come we have to help"Dominic said and he,Jacob and Peter took of running. I looked at Dylan and he nodded.I grabbed his hand and teleport outside.

All the kids were together.Some vamp kids darting their fangs,wolf kid-werewolves in wolf form and the power kids...well standing there waiting to use their powers. We ran at the front where Jackson and the boys were and looked at him.

"What is going on??"Dylan asked and he looked at us

"Hunters are coming,we don't know what they want but we need to be ready for any kind of attack"He replied and went to some kids to tell them what to do.

I looked up to the trees and an idea popped

"I'll be up in the trees"I told the boys and before I could hear their replies I teleport on a big tree close to the Academy. I hide there and waited for them to come....

I saw figures coming our way

"Their coming"I said as I teleported back to the others. 

I narrowed my eyes and saw the person's face that was leading the others and a flashback hitted me
I looked into his cold eyes,tears where streaming down my face.
He was a killer-a monster. He is destroying my home,killing my friends.
I couldn't help cause I haven't shifted yet....
He rose his gun and pointed it at me.I hugged my now dead best friend as I waiter for the end to come but it never did.
I heard a roar and my eyes snapped open.
A lion was ontop of the Hunter...
"DAD!!!"I cried when I heard a gunshot. The lion lyed on the ground motionless. ...lifeless.
I heard a scream from behind me and I saw my mom running to him in human form.She jumped and transformed to a tiger.She roared and went to kill the Hunter that killed her husband.....Before she could touch him another man shot her on her stomach. She fell on the ground breathing heavily. She'll heal but it will take time....The man rose his gun ready to shot and my mom locked eyes with me
'Run Angel run and dont ever look back.We'll always love you'
She mindlinked me and I did just that. I ran....
I heard a roar and a gunshot cutting it short.I stopped and looked back.I then heard many roars,howls all saying the same thing
'Our leaders are gone we are alone'

I growled.....

He did it...He killed my parents.....

Dylan looked at me

"What's wrong??"He asked and I growled

"He did it he killed my pack and he is going to pay"I said on a low husky voice.I was beyond mad he is going to pay for what he did......

I turn invisible and waited...

The Hunters came closer and they were a few feet infront of us.......

I growled and everyone else followed doing their own sound.......

Some Hunters backed of but some others stood their ground,like the Hunter from my memory. He had a necklace with two fangs the one a bit bigger than the other.....I narrowed my eyes and walked towards him carefully nit to step on any twings.I reached him leaned down and smell the fangs to familiar smells hitted me and my eyes snapped open

I felt my self burning......

I teleport in the woods transformed to a cougar and roared. It echoed in the forest and birds flew away.I transformed afew feet away and did the same.

I the walked out of the woods and behind them.I transformed back to human and turned invisible just in time they turned my way

"What game you play Jackson? ???"The Hunter asked glaring at Jackson. The kids all growled

"You started the game,Richard,but we make the rules. ..."He replied and smirked. I took a step foward but a twin snapped. ...Damit!!!

The Hunter,Richard, turned around and and y throw a knife at me.I jumped out of the way but it scratched my leg.

It made me lost consecration and turn visible again.I growled as I watched my leg healing. I looked up to see all the Hunters with their weapons on their hands looking at me.....

I jumped up and narrowed my eyes growing. Dylan and the twins transformed, jump over the people and stood next to me growling.

I light my hands on fire
'Time to fight....'

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