#1 Is that an offer?

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Is that an offer?Special thanks to for giving me the character details and anon for requesting the prompt! :)

1. "Wait, you actually meant it you said we were just going to study?" "I was under the impression that is what I said, isn't it?"

Pairing; Remus x Reader

Word count; 2,300

Warnings; major pining, soft angst, sex references, FLUFFFFFFFF

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"Wait, you actually meant it you said we were just going to study?" You asked Remus in disbelief.

"I was under the impression that is what I said, isn't it?" He replied, pulling out various books from his satchel.

"Rem, when someone asks you to study outside at... What is it? Nine p.m.? You're telling me that you believe them?" You asked.

"Why? Is there some ulterior motive that I'm not seeing?" He said casually, flicking through the pages.

Yes, there was an ulterior motive. As you sat beneath the darkening sky, you had hoped that tonight would be the night; the night that you would muster whatever courage you possessed and finally tell him how you felt. Unfortunately, your Gryffindor courage had seemed to dissipate as you sat beside him. He looked so relaxed, so at ease. Which isn't fair in the slightest, you thought to yourself. James and Sirius had been dropping hints for months that he might like you as well, but their claim seemed to be just that; a claim. A cool breeze shook the tree branches above, and you felt yourself involuntarily shiver.

"I told you you should've brought a jacket," He said, glancing over his shoulder at you.

"And ruin my perfectly good outfit? As if," You grinned and he rolled his eyes at you. He took his woollen sweater off and threw it at you. And thank the heavens he did, otherwise, he would have seen you staring at the glimpse exposed skin from where his t-shirt had ridden up. You pulled the sweater over your head and were surrounded by the smell of lemongrass, cedar-wood and something musky you couldn't quite place. Just like the Amortentia you had smelled all those months ago in Slughorn's class.

"I remember when I first met you when you used to wear those old glasses and flowery dresses. The boys teased me by saying they had found another me. Well, turns out we got ourselves another Sirius who likes to knick my sweaters," He smirked at you.

You stretched out your arms, the spare ten inches of fabric flopping uselessly over your hands.

"Why are your arms so freakishly long?" You laughed.

"They're not! Just roll up the sleeves," He said, taking one of your wrists and doing it for you, "Honestly, it's not that difficult, you dork."

Once he finished rolling them up, he was still holding your wrists, and he was much closer to you than he realised. His gaze travelled from your hands to your eyes and briefly to your lips. Your breath hitched, and your cheeks heated up. He cleared his throat before dropping your hands and busying himself with his books. You chanced a look at him and you could see him determinedly focusing his eyes in front of him, but his shaky hands gave him away. Your heart leapt, there was a chance he might feel the same!

"Can you do something for me?" He asked out of the blue.

"Rem, I'd help you hide the body, wipe your fingerprints and leave my own at the crime scene if you asked me to."

"Cool, can you do your homework then?" He asked hopefully. You let out an exaggerated groan.

"Screw you and your homework," You said defiantly.

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