#2 He's a Rosaline

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A/N: This is my post for 's Cliché Month! I drew inspiration for this oneshot from The 1975′s song "Sex". Also, if you don't know who is then uhhh,,, I don't know what to tell you :')

Cliché; Friends with benefits

Pairing; Remus x Reader (Sirius x Reader)

Word count; 2,452

Warnings; implied smut, light-ish smut , swearing, fluff, ANGST

Note; flashbacks are in italics!

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Humanity has always concerned itself with love stories. There have been buildings built, books written, songs sung and we continue to fascinate ourselves with the prospect of happiness found in another person. Love has started and ended wars, hurting and healing more people than any other force. And yet despite its flaws, it's what so many people yearn for, which begs the question: is it better to experience a great romantic tragedy or never know love at all? Remus didn't know, and neither did you. But that was fine because whatever your relationship was, it certainly wasn't about love.

Or at least it wasn't supposed to be.

He couldn't help but notice the way you tossed your head back when you laughed at Sirius' jokes, the afternoon sun streaming into the greenhouse and brushing your features gold. It was coming up to his time of the month, and his senses were as sharp as ever. As much as he loved the sound of your melodic laugh, right now he craved for you to be making other noises. And certainly not with Sirius.

You and Remus were friends with benefits, and it worked perfectly. During the week to an upcoming full moon, his senses were heightened and his needs more prominent. You were more than happy to fulfil them, reaping a benefit of your own.

But now was the time for him to think about potting his shrivel fig, not about you. He would have plenty of time to think of you and much more after Herbology ended. But still, the way you and Sirius had been spending more time together recently... It was only natural for him to notice, right? He just didn't want it to interfere with your arrangement. Who was he kidding? He couldn't even fool himself into believing that.

He harshly shoved some more dirt into his pot, ignoring the shrivel fig's squirming protest.

"You alright, Rem?" you said over the table, having already potted your fig and beginning to tidy away your tools.

"Just fine," he muttered, heaping some fertilizer onto the fig that at this point was covered in too much dirt to wriggle any longer.

You leant forward on your arms, pretending to inspect his work so the other students wouldn't notice. "I don't believe that for a minute."

"I'm not asking you to," he said lowly, letting the words settle in the gap between you that was getting smaller and smaller.

"I can think of a few ways to cheer you up," you replied with false innocence, smirking as you watched his eyes darken.

Remus was so caught up in your words, he didn't realise the bell signalling for the end of classes was ringing until you leant away, sending him a wink over your shoulder as you linked arms with Marlene and walked back to the castle.

"Moony?" Sirius' voice snapped him from his daze. "Don't you and Y/N have a study session right about now?"

"We do, but there's no rush," he replied, a smile colouring his voice as he shouldered his bag and made his way to the Room of Requirement. He had no doubt in his mind that you would certainly find a way to 'cheer him up'.

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