Your Worst Nightmare

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Her eyes flickered, her breathing slowed, and she fell asleep.

An icy cold breeze washed across her face, and she sat up, sighing. It had begun again. These dreams were as constant as the rising and setting of the sun; they came each night without fail, and stayed until the morning light freed her from the prison they created. A dew covered spider web was woven in the branches of a dead tree, and mist swirled around her as if dancing to an silent melody. Standing up, she took a tentative step forward. Something rushed out at her, laughing maniacally, and shoved her to the ground. Jumping to her feet again, she ran in the opposite direction, but another creature grabbed her arm and thrust her against a tree trunk. Its face, harsh and mocking, shifted to that of her mother’s. She screamed in horror, and tore herself from its grasp. She knew they were only toying with her, playing with her. It was a sick game to them, simply a form of amusement. They would let her get away, find her again, release her once more, and then it would be over. It had happened too many times, too often for her not to be ignorant of her fate. But she was trapped, and there was nothing she could do to keep from entering this dark and evil world.

Branches whipped and clawed at her face, seeming to reach out to harm her. She stumbled over a rock and fell to her knees. They began to bleed, and the brambles on the ground tore into them like barbed wire. She fought back the tears and struggled to stand. She began to run again, the sharp pain in her legs and the flowing blood slowing her down. Another monster materialized in front of her, its cruel face taunting her. “You think you can run from us? Human, do you have any idea who we are and who we serve? You don’t stand a chance.” The demon’s voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and, her voice choked, she swiped her hand through the thing’s intangible form.

An unbearable pain sliced through her back, and she crumbled to the ground, sobbing. She was surrounded by them, their foul odor and scornful laughter taking away any light she might have had left to protect her.

Restless Nights, Haunted DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now