First Week

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Pov Blue
'Turn your books to page 24, we are going to brew a cure for boils.' Slughorn says. I have read this recipe already. It's very easy to brew and if the potion is made successfully, there will be pink smoke raising from the cauldron. How spectacularly.

'Who knows which ingredients we need for this?' Slughorn says into the classroom.

Before I can even raise my hand another girl  already gives him the answer: 'Pungous Onions, Flobberworm Mucus, Ginger root and Shrake spines.'

'Very good miss Granger, 5 points to Gryffindor!'

All of the students go to the cupboards, to get  all of the ingredients. I am partners with Luna Lovegood she is also a firts year in Ravenclaw she is really kind, and we sleep together in the same dorm with three other girls Cho Chang, Padma Patil and Lisa Turpin.

'Sir, there is no Ginger root anymore.'

'Oh no, what a shame. Well then, miss Lovegood and miss Warren can you go to the Herbology classroom and ask professor Sprout if she has some left.'

'Of course, sir.' We say.

We walk out of the classroom to the stairs we walk past the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. I see Hailey sitting in the classroom, I whisper as loud as I can: 'Hailey. Hailey!'

Hailey turns around and smiles, we wave to each other. But then Snape sees us and with a quick swing with his wand, he slams the door.

'That wasn't very kind of him.' I say.

'He probably doesn't mean it personally.' Luna says calmly.

We walk down the stairs and go past the library and I can see a few students studying and being super concentrated. I sat there too yesterday, it was my first time in the library and I just couldn't leave I sat there for hours and hours. I even got late for dinner.

We walk into the Herbology classroom.
'Hi there, what can I do for you girls.' Professor Sprout says friendly.
'We needed to get some Ginger roots for professor Slughorn, we making a cur for boils.' Luna says to the professor.

Professor Sprouts walks to the back of the room and search's for the Ginger root.

I look to the right and see Mae, she has an Spiky Bush on her table cut in 4 pieces. I know that they can shoot their spikes at people so you need to be very carefully. I read in our schoolbook that you can only destroy them with a Fire-Making Spell.

'Incendio' Mae says and swings her wand.

The plant goes up in fire.

'Hey Blue!' She says when she sees me. 'What are you doing here?

'We need to get some Ginger root for Poisons we're making a cur for boils.'

'Cool! I just learned the Fire-Makings Spell. Did you see it. I used it at the Spiky Bush plant. They are very dangerous, did you know? A few minutes ago a boy got shot by a Spiky Bush in his arm. He's now at the Hospital Wing.'

'How unfortunate, but I'm not suprised. I mean the Spiky Bush probably knew that he was going to be killed. I would get frustrated too.' Luna says.

'Well I don't mind, the boy was Vincent Grabbe. The vibe in the classroom is so much better without him. And all the students laughed when he left the classroom.'

'Here are your Ginger roots. Apologies for being slow I could not find them.' the Professor says.

'Thank you professor.' we say. I say goodbye to Mae and we go back to class.

Pov Hailey

It's lunchtime and I sit next to Mae and June at the Hufflepuffs table. I had Poisons and Charms today. Poisons was a lot of fun because Draco and I are partners and we were the first to finish the Forgetfulness Potion. So we got 10 points for Slytherin.

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