Dark Side of The Moon

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It had been nearly two weeks since Harmui's party and thankfully almost nobody remembered his amazing street dancing skills, having moved on to gossip about other trivial things. When he finally got home, Lloyd delivered the biggest apology of his life to his mother and uncle but was still grounded for a month. After three showers, he finally managed to wash the black and green dye out of his hair, returning it to its natural blonde state.

Lloyd groaned in pain and exhaustion as he sat up in his bed.

He felt like he had been in a boxing match with Cole and then been run over by an eighteen-wheeler truck. He remembered that his mother Misako had said that he would feel bad on the day of the new moon after his first transformation. The day where all his werewolf powers and his ability to transform disappeared. He had seen how the others had been during the new moon and had been dreading it. It was only going to get worse before it got better.

The closer it got to nightfall, the worse he'll feel He slowly got out of bed and stumbled down the stairs, still in his pajamas.

Down in the kitchen, the teen found his uncle and mother setting the table for breakfast. They looked terrible too, but having been through this for years, they had developed a somewhat tolerance for the sudden power loss. When Wu saw his nephew wasn't ready to go to school he frowned and crossed his arms.

"Why aren't you ready for school?"

"Uncle Wu, I don't feel right." He moaned as he slumped into a chair.

"I'm sorry Lloyd, you can't just decide not to go to school because your powers are drained," Misako said sympathetically.

"It'll be like this every month, and if you keep taking a day off school once a month eventually someone will notice," Wu explained.

"Come on honey, if the others can do it so can you." She added. Lloyd wanted to argue but he knew his mother and uncle were right. With another groan, he got up and went up to get changed...


"Whoa, you look like shit." Kai grimaced when he saw Lloyd slowly walking towards them. His clothes were crumpled, his normally neat quills were a mess and he was sweating like a pig. To be honest Kai and the others didn't feel or look much better. They looked like something out of a zombie movie.

"Where's Nya and Zane?" Lloyd asked, realizing they were missing two people.

"They staying home." Cole groaned, almost falling asleep against the lockers.

"Why can't we stay at home," Morro whined weakly as they walked into their homeroom.

"I wish, but Uncle Wu said if I kept taking a day off school every month someone would notice." He yawned as he rested his head on his desk. "Didn't think you'd come in." He frowned when he finally noticed Morro's presence.

"I tried to get out of it but my foster parents wouldn't have it." He groaned.

"Now I know why my parents hate no moon days so much, I feel like death." Lloyd agreed, feeling his eyes growing heavy. He felt like a stone. Being stuck as a human sucked. Kai and Cole sighed as the blonde started to fall asleep. Morro was about to join him in dreamland when suddenly Miss Koko burst into the classroom with a bang. She examined the other students and frowned when she saw Lloyd asleep on his desk and frowned as she walked over to him.

When she still got no response she slammed her books on the desk, scaring poor Lloyd half to death.

"Stay awake please Mr. Garmadon," She said before walking back to her desk to do the register...

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