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More questions, hooray!

First, some from CauldronCookie5:

1. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Hmm, hard question. I suppose I wish I could be more empathetic and actually try and think before spewing stuff I regret later, and that I could be less lazy when writing.

2. Ideal superpower?

The answer to that... changes with my mood. When I'm feeling pissy and want to get moving, I will wish for teleportation with all my heart. When I just want to get things done but not take up too much time, the power to manipulate time or just slow it down. And if I just read something really cool and I'm in fangirling mode, I'll want whatever power attracts me the most.

Now, some overduelibrarybook89 (copied straight from PM):

1. Have you read Hogwarts School of Prayers and Miracles? give me a review ;) 

I skimmed it. It seems interesting but since I'm religion-less things like that don't strike as close to my heart as, say, a zodiac story might. And that's coming from someone attending a Christian school... sigh.

2. Favorite of all your applyfics

Probably the Chinese zodiac one since I'm proud the amount of originality I managed to input into there, but I love all my stories equally!

3. how are you so optimistic around other... shall we say, pessimistic... people ALL THE TIME 

Oh, this is a legit question and one I'm sure several of you want to know:

I developed a facade in order to survive in this harsh world, learned how to slide insults and negativity off my shoulder like it was nothing on the outside, hoped for the best, disillusioned myself, and that's how. 

Or, let's just say that was my only method of coping against life. At this point if I don't act like that people will get suspicious so... no point in stopping my act now. I've pretty much sunk into it too much to stop at this point now anyways.

4. do you ever have times when you just glare or roll your eyes at the computer screen when someone does something stupid? 

Duh, who doesn't? I'm sure Dark does to me about a million times a day XD you ever just watch the notifications from wattpad roll in after you publish a new chapter? 

Yes, because legitimately that's satisfying and better than just watching and not clicking on the notifs. I'm the type that, when I see the red notif dot, I MUST CLICK ON THE NOTIF OR IT'LL BUG ME LIKE HECK.

6. Last person (besides this) you PMed and, if it's not too personal, what did it say? 

Uhhhh Dark and pretty sure we were talking about their hiatus. I think. Not really sure.

7. Have you ever muted anyone?

No, probably because I'm the type who believes in second chances. *shrugs* Like I said, I'd rather be disillusioned as f*ck than dissolve into a puddle of depression and shattered pieces.

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That's all, hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! ^v^


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