{ 2 - Back Off Of Gulf }

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                                                                 Gulf POV

   I slowly walked over to the seat next to Mew not taking my eyes off him. I was so fascinated by his looks that I couldn't help but to stare. He then looked over at me and smiles. "I'm Mew. Gulf, right?" It took a second to process but when he waved in my face and called my name, Only then I snapped out of it.

"R-R-Right. T-That's me. You're Mew if I'm correct."

"Correct. After class I can show you around if you want."

"No it's fine, I don't-"

"It's fine I really don't mind."

   The hot dude I just met wants to show me around. WHY AREN'T I SAYING YES?? But...Earth was supposed to show me around. Will he be mad? "Am I giving you too much pressure? I'm sorry." Mew somehow looked a little upset to see me reject him like that. I couldn't just let him sit there and be upset because of me, I have to keep my integrity and stay loyal and kind. "Don't worry about it, you can show me around." He lit up like the sun on a summer day.

    He totally didn't met my expectations of what I thought he would be like. He's energetic, fun, and kind. Not grumpy, cold, isolated like I thought he was. I then texted Earth to let him know I can't have him show me around anymore. "Why?" he texted. I tried to reply that someone else had offered to and I didn't want to come off as rude and make them sad, but I had forgotten to send it when the teacher started the lesson.

   Class ended 2 hours later and it was finally our lunch break. I had forgotten Mew was going to show me around so I packed up my stuff and started to head out the door.

                                                Mew POV 

   I looked and smiled at Gulf excited to give him a tour. I was distracted when I dropped my phone, but when I realized, I look down to grab my phone, and when I looked back up, Gulf was almost out of the classroom already. I sprung up from my seat and ran over to him to grab his wrist.

   "Wait, wasn't I supposed to show you around? I thought we made and agreement in class." He looked shocked by my words, which confused me at first. Then he gave me a smiling reassuring look that made him look so cute. "Sorry P'Mew, I was going to get water for the both of us. I should have told you or asked you to come with me." D-D-Did he just call me P'? I didn't mind it, but I just wondered why so soon? "It's fine, lets just go now," I said with a smile. He agreed and we walked around the school. 

   I showed him to different clubs he could attend, where curtain people hang out, and the places and people to look out for. As well as just the normal classrooms so he'll find his classes easier. "Hey what classes do you have anyway?" He started to go through his bag to pull out his schedule and hand it to me. I scanned his schedule to find out that we had all the same classes. "Looks like you will be seeing more of me." He looked very puzzled, "Huh?" I pulled out my schedule and handed both to him. He scanned each one as well and looked at me with a bright face. "WOW! We have all the same classes. Lets always sit together since we are friends." I nodded and we continued to walk.

   As we were approaching the lunch area, 3 guys walked at to us, clearly trying to hit on Gulf. "Hey, what's your name?" said one of them. "Can I have your Line ID?" another said. Gulf just looked down nervous and uncomfortable. "He doesn't want to give or tell you anything." The scoffed at me as I gently pushed Gulf behind me holding him hand. "We're asking him, not you. Now tell us your LINE ID!"  

   Gulf clutched my hand and started to look really scared...like, like maybe it happened before? I don't know  but I can't focus on that right now, I need to focus on keeping Gulf safe. "As soon as I grab your hand again, run with me ok," I whispered. He slightly nodded. I let go and walk up to them, "That's it," I threw punches at all of them and grabbed Gulf's hand and we started to run.

   We kept running until we had turned a corned and pulled Gulf in a hug to hide him. Thinking we were clear, we stepped again heavily painting and looking down with our hands on our knees. I only looked back up when I heard Gulf screaming. School was now over dealing with these 3 and missing the rest of our classes, so really, there was no one was here to help. I sighed and kicked the dude in the head that was holding Gulf, causing the guy to drop him. I signaled him to hide somewhere as I would fight them all off.

   Once I was finished with them, I was left with small and medium cuts and bruises here and there but they were left in way worse condition.

   I called out to Gulf to try and find out where he was hiding, only for me to find him behind a bush trembling. He looked at me as I gave him a reassuring smile that everything is ok now. He quickly jumped into my arms and sobbed on my shoulder, "Don't leave me, EVER." This was the first day I met him but I had no problem agreeing. "I promise, I won't." 

                                                                   Earth POV 

    I followed Gulf around since lunch started because I wanted to see who could possibly had been more important than spending time with me. After spending a lot of time looking for them and missing the rest of my classes, I heard a scream. It was Gulf's. I quickly ran towards it trying to find him. When I finally did, I wish I hadn't. I started to cry because one, Gulf was crying. Two, Gulf was crying...in Mew's arms.

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