{ 10 - We're Leaving }

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                                                         Gulf POV

    "No, I don't believe it. If you were the leader how could you have been beaten up like this?" Mew just sighed to me. I'm in this kind of work, there's no way this is true.

     "Say whatever you want, I'm still not buying this. Your whole story might be believable but there's small details that make the whole story fall apart." I got up the get the medical kit for medicine to help him with his wounds.  

     As I sat down he just stared at me this gaze that was beyond explainable. It was like was about to kiss me right then and there. He winched in pain as I applied the alcohol and betadine to his wounds. At one point, he grabbed my hand and just stared at me with that same gaze. I could hear the wind blowing outside the window and the cars riding on the streets. It was little moments like these that makes my heart race faster than ever.

    Just then, Mew's phone rang breaking the silence. Looking over, I saw the it was an unknown number. The phone continuously rang until Mew hesitantly picked up the phone.

    I told him to put the phone on speaker phone for me to hear what this guy sounded like. Once I heard him say, "Looks like you ran away," I froze.

It was my dad.

    "We were gonna come back and get you to be nice but it looks like my son got to you sooner. Looks like we have to play dirty now. See you later!"

    My father hung up the phone and I was still there still as ice.

                                                             Mew POV

    I looked at Gulf and he looked so scared staring into space and having hitched breathes. He looked as if he had just had a gun to his head. I brought him into a hug patting his head to control his unsteady breathing and calm him down.

    Once he was calm, he looked at me seriously to say "We have to go."

"Wait what? Why?"

"Look, the guy that called was the leader, and as we both know my dad."

"Ok and?"

"I have been with him my whole life meaning that I know what he means and what he'll do if we don't leave now."

"Which is?"

"We don't have time right now, you have to trust me. Pack you essentials in reasonable sized bag and I'll explain in the car."

    I finally agreed with Gulf and started to gather my stuff in a Duffel bag. Gulf grabbed a good sized bag from out of a closet and packed some sanitary items the hotel offered. We went downstairs and also asked for some clothes which they eventually gave us. 

    I hopped into the driver's seat and started to drive. 

    "Where am I supposed to be driving to?" I didn't want to just drive to no where. That's when Gulf told me, "We are going to Bangkok." BANGKOK?!?! I pulled the car to a quick stop and whipped my head to look at Gulf.

"Are you serious?! We are all the way in Chiang Mai! Driving would take 10 HOURS!"

"What's worse, driving 10 hours or a bullet in your head."

    The sounds of the night filled the the silence between us. I took a deep breath to say, "Fine, we'll go."

    Only 3 hours in I was getting really hungry. Gulf was still in a bad mood so I tried holding off for longer. Thank God Gulf asked me to find somewhere to eat so then I didn't have to ask him.

    We ended up finding a small restaurant on the the exit of the freeway. When we walked in, there were no costumers other than us in sight. It was dark and and in the middle of no where so I didn't think much of it and sat down at the booth.

                                                                Gulf POV

    I ordered my favorite food, crispy pork basil chili. Mew ordered simple curry rice. While we were waiting for the food, an employee kept eying the both of us. Not to mention there were only 3: the cook, waiter, and janitor. That janitor was looking as if he wanted to take us or something.

    Right before the food came, I saw the waiter turn around and do something before bringing the food to us. I'm not new to this.

    I waited until the employees retreated to the back area so that we were no longer visible to them. Mew was about to dive into he food until I stopped him with my hand. 

"Don't eat it."

"Why? This food looks amazing. Why should we waste it it?"

"Again, I don't have time to explain. We have to go now."



    Grabbling his arm, we ran to the car with me taking the drivers seat. The works ran out with guns shooting at the car making us swerve left and right. But thankfully we were able to make it the freeway safely. 

    "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?" Mew yelled still painting from running. Sighing I said, "Probably my fathers outside men. Thank god I was with you, because if I wasn't they would have had you." "Well thanks anyway." I didn't have the energy to respond to his words. The only thing on my mind was to get to Bangkok safely.

                                            Ohm (Gulf's Dad) POV

    I stormed into the store with the 3 men bowing to me. "Where are they?" I said in a settle tone. "T-they got away sir." I took a deep breath trying to think and not kill them. "When did they escape?" "3 hours ago sir."

    I motioned my hand the the men behind me shot each worker. Damn it, why do I get the weak links? "Let's go."

    I'm never going to let him get away with this disrespect he has done towards me. NEVER!


It's been awhile. I have been busy but I just had to make this next chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoyed it and make sure to vote, comment, and follow for more. LOVE YOU ❤

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