The nearly extinct Laparas

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After a while...

Malikai: Nothing around yet.

They made it too a stream and took a break

Tigs: You know, I was thinking about getting a Laparas.

Zanobia- You will.

Then, a baby Dratini pops out from the water.

Tops sees it, his eyes wided: What is that?!

Dratini- Tini!

Tops: On second thought, I'll have this one!

Pokedex- Dratini. A dragon pokemon. This mythical pokemon was first caught and seen by a fisherman.

Tops went to it and pets it*

Dratini- Tini!

Tops: Want to be my Pokemon?

Dratini- (Smiles) Tin! Tini!

Malikai: Looks like you have all six brother.

Morty: I'll have the Charizard then.

Zanobia- How many pokemon do you got, Mort?

Morty took out his pokeballs to count*

Malikai: Well?

Morty- About 4

Malikai: Just two more for you.

Morty- Yep. That's right

Malikai: Let's keep searching.

They made it to a normal forest.

And they spotted a skitty, a Shieldon, and a Jigglypuff were playing in the middle of the trail

Morty: Ooh! Who should have these?

Zanobia- I lile to take the cat and the balloon looking ones! Morty, you should take the little dinosaur over there

Morty smiles: Okie dokie, but what are they?

Tigs took out his pokedex*

Pokedex- Sheildon. A shield pokemon. This pokemon lived in the jungles for 100 million years. It's facial hide is very tough.

Morty: Ooh.

Pokedex- Skitty. A kitten pokemon. Skitty's adorable behavior causes it to be popular. In battle , it's tail puffs out and scares it's foes with it's sharp growl

Tops: So cute.

Pokedex- Jigglypuff. A balloon pokemon. This pokemon has the ability to sing so beautifully to lulls it's foes to sleep.

Jason: You got a sleep pokemon sis.

Zanobia- (Smiles) So sweet.

Pokedex- For Jigglyluff, it's weakness is poison and steel.

Tops pets the Skitty: Hello there.

Skitty smiles sweetly and meows*

Tops: Would you like to be my sister's pokemon?

Skitty smiles and tackles Zanobia in a hug, making her giggle.

Shieldon- Shield! Shieldon!

Morty pets Shieldon*

Shieldon- (Closes his eyes) Shield.

Morty: Good boy.

An Arbok sees Tigs*

Arbok- (Hisses) Arbok!

Tigs: What was that?

Arbok- Bok!

Tigs backs away scared, Jigglypuff has to help*

Jigglypuff then closes her eyes and began to sing.

The Arbok feels sleepy*

Jigglypuff kept singing until he dozes off, as well as Shieldon, Skitty, and Jigglypuff

Morty: Oh dear.

Jigglypuff stops singing

Tigs took out his pokedex to scan Arbok*

Pokedex- Arbok. A cobra pokemon. It's rumored that it's ferocious markings different from it's belly from area to area

Tigs: Whoa.

Zanobia- Yeah

Tigs: I'll have this one.

He puts him in the pokeball

Tops: Alright, you got another one!

Tigs: Just two more left.

Zanobia- Yeah. Ludel needs one more

Ludel: That's right.

They nodded

Tops: Okay, Zanobia do you have all six pokemon?

Zanobia- Only one more left.

Tigs: Okay, let's keep going.

Morty: Okay.

They keep going until they arrived at the beach*

There they see a lapras

Tigs gasps: A real Lapras!

Lapras gives out a friendly bellow*

Tigs takes out his Pokedex*

Pokedex- Lapras. A transport pokemon. It's nearly extinct and it can ferry people across the waters.

Tigs: Nearly extinct, holy cow.

Zanobia- Right?

Lapras bellows happily*

Tigs: Would you like to be my Pokemon?

Lapras smiles and bellows happily again*

Tigs took out his Pokeball*

Lapras bellows as she's transported inside.

Tigs: Alright, I got five Pokemon now!

Morty- Sweet!

Ludel looks around for his last Pokemon.

He then spots an Espurr

Ludel's eyes wided: What is that cute thing?

Pokedex- Espurr. A restraint pokemon. It has alk the psychic ability to blast something 300 ft away from them. But , it has no control of it's power

Ludel pets it: You're so cute.

Espurr cutely meows

Espurr- Espurr

Ludel: You want to be my pokemon?

Espurr- (Smiles) Espurr!

Ludel took out his Pokeball*

Espurr- (Smiles) Espurr.

Espurr is then transported into the pokeball

Ludel smiles: I have all six!

Zanobia- (Smiles) Cool!

Tigs: Just me, Morty and Zanobia need to have our last one.

Zanobia- Right. Sounds good

Malikai: Okay, let's keep going sibs.

Morty- Right.

They keep going on their journey*

Malikai and sibs new PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now