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In a blink of an eye, the time turned to 12 o'clock. My dad sent me a text saying he's here. I told Ethan and Grayson that I had to leave, I could tell they were upset.

" I'll come over soon okay? " I said while hugging Grayson and then Ethan.

" Yeah " he said letting go of the hug.

" ill help you bring the bags out, " Brielle said. She had to go with me since she had nowhere else to stay.

" Happy birthday Paisley. " Ethan and Grayson said while we were walking out the door.

" There's my big 18 year old! " My dad said as soon as I opened the car door.

My dad still doesn't know that I got raped and why I haven't been at home for 3 days, or how I      " Smashed " my phone. 

" Hi Dad, how are you? " I asked sitting in the back seat along with Brielle.

" Good! What about you? You're probably happy since you went shopping huh? You're just like Stacey always shopping" My dad said while chuckling.

I laugh too, even though ' happy ' is the last word to describe me...

About 15 minutes go by and we arrive at my house. I got out of the car with all my bags and Brielle only to see my Stepmom Stacey glaring at me. She hates when I go shopping because she thinks I'm already spoiled enough by my dad.

" nice to see you home " Stacey said looking at me up and down before walking over to my dad to give him a hug and a kiss.

" Is Stacey in a bad mood? " Bri asked looking at me with a weird look because of what just happened. Stacey never acts like this around Brielle.

" Uh yeah, I think. Anyway, let's go up to my room. " I say before walking up the long driveway and through the front doors.

The first thing I see when I walk in is the living room. I try not to look at it but it will haunt me forever knowing THAT'S where it all happened. I ran upstairs avoiding eye contact with the living room and opened my door. I sat everything down on the side of my bed and plopped on the little couch I had on the far side of my room. 

" Wanna do facemasks!? " Brielle asks in an excited tone.

" sure, I have some under my bathroom sink. There's the liquid peel off ones or the sheet ones, you pick. " I say before pulling my phone out of my pocket. I then realized I was still wearing Graysons jacket. I smiled a little bit at that thought until Brielle came out of the bathroom.

" I just got the peel-off ones- what are you smiling about? " She says sitting next to me on the couch

" Uhm just saw something funny. Anyways are we doing facemasks or not? " I say popping up from the couch to go sit at my vanity.

" mhm, Here I'll put on yours and you put on mine. " bri says walking over to sit next to me.

In the middle of putting on facemasks, there were three knocks at my bedroom door.

" Come in " I yell from across the room

My dad walks in.

" Hey, girls In honor of Paisley's 18th birthday were going out to a fancy restaurant. Start getting ready whenever but we're leaving the house at 7. " My dad says excitedly

" o-okay " I said nervously.

I still wasn't comfortable enough going out. The only people I felt safe around were Ethan, Grayson, and Brielle but my parents don't know about E and Gray and if they did, they'd for sure ground me.

My dad closes the door and I immediately look over to Bri who seemed excited.

" I-I can't do this " I say getting up.

" Paisley Yes you can trust me. " Bri says walking over to me

" I'm scared. " I say quietly.

" Want me to invite E and Gray? " Paisley asked pulling out her phone.

" no no no, you know how strict my stepmom is with boys. " I say strictly.

" Paisley trust me you got this, also go look in the bags I got you something " Brielle says while going to clean up the facemask mess.

I walk over to one of the shopping bags and pull out a beautiful red dress. It wasn't too elegant but it was formal enough. The thought of that dress had me thinking about prom. Which led me to the instant thought that school started next week and Bri leaves next week. This past week had gone by so quickly but at least it's my senior year...

" I love it Brielle oh my gosh. " I say while walking up to my full body mirror holding the dress up to my body.

" I knew you would. Now, what do you wanna do in the meantime before we get ready? " Brielle said before shutting the bathroom door and walking to lay on my bed.

" well I don't know, I also just remembered that I start school next week. " I say while laying down on the bed next to Bri.

" Same, I wish we still went to the same school. Maybe LA schools have some cute boys " Brielle says while winking.

" what-ever! " I said throwing a pillow at her playfully.

" well I guess you have Grayson..! " Brielle said teasing

" I see your still wearing his jacket... " She said lifting an eyebrow

" Idk bout him paisley...I mean he's a youtube! He's famous and I'm just an ordinary girl with a messed up life. " I continue

" He probably thinks I'm annoying because of how many problems I come to him with. ugh " I say holding a pillow to my face.

" Paisley. Look at me. " Brielle said taking the pillow away from my face.

I look over to her

" Just because they're famous or whatever doesn't mean Grayson can't like an amazingly beautiful girl like you. " Brielle says

" Yeah but it just doesn't make sense. " I say going on my phone. 

I redownloaded all my social media so I just scrolled through Instagram and Twitter and stuff. I hadn't followed Ethan or Grayson on any social media platform so I decided to do so. In less than 10 minutes they followed back on almost everything.

A few more hours went by and it was 6 pm.

" Wanna start getting ready now since were bored and have nothing to do? We have an hour "
 Brielle says getting up.

" sure... " I say nervously

Authors note:


you are not alone <3



SUICIDE HOTTLINE: 1-800-273-8255


Don't be afraid to call ^

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a hot minute! I will be editing several chapters tonight! ANyways have an amazing day/night! love yall muah! xx



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