Family Ties Part 2

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The Salamandrian mercenary known as Death to the 10 dimensions cursed himself for being so careless. He had always kept tabs on Y'gythgba's whereabouts, he had become complacent knowing G'throkka watched out for her. But now his sources had told him G'throkka had returned alone, could he have abandoned her? Death looked at G'throkka's last known coordinates with her, he would find her and make sure that she was fine. If something happened to her, he would make everyone pay on, he looked at coordinates for the primitive mud ball planet called Earth. He would make everyone on Earth,  G'throkka and Salamandria pay dearly. They would learn the true meaning of pain and yearn for death to come. He set course for Earth. 

The Salamandrian mercenary had arrived just when Y'gythgba had landed on the branches. He sighed with relief knowing that she was okay, still unsure if he should reveal himself to her. He stood his ground by letting her handle whatever situation came, she was a soldier he reminded himself. But she seemed unfocused, he'd never seen her this way before. A large terrapin, where had he seen one before? He had seen four of them in Zayford's Cantina months before, right before he had to dispose of a certain liability, but he hadn't even bothered to think twice about them. Now one was fighting with his Y'gythgba. The terrapin was a good fighter and managed to pin her down. Then he saw the look in his eyes...lust. Death's eyes fumed with rage but he was a second too late, the creature had touched her. Death put the gun to stun for he would make him pay with his bare claws. He raised his blaster and aimed for the terrapin's shell—a blast knocked Raphael right off Y'gythgba. 

Raphael and Y'gythgba evaded the rest of the shots and hid behind the rocks and trees. Y:"Raphael are you okay?" She looked him over and saw that it was stun shot. R: "I've been better, but whoever shot me won't be." Y: "Rockka! Rockka! They will pay!" She grabbed her ninja stars and threw them towards the area the shot had come from.---Death saw Y'gythgba attacking and was deeply perplexed. Had not this creature defiled her, why would she defend him? L: "Why do you defend this creature little blue? I will not hurt you. I would never hurt you!" Y'gythgba's eyes focused on their attacker, as she tried to discern who it was. Y:"Raphael, wait... don't attack. I think I may know him..." She glared at their attacker as he appeared before them 100 feet away, he was a salamandrian.  It couldn't be who she hoped it was, she had let that hope vanish years ago. But as she gazed at him after hearing his pet name for her, little blue, that love and hope glowed anew. Y: "L'vthian???!!!" Y'gythgba ran towards him and embraced him.

Raphael was a little confused and jealous if he were to admit it. He held on to his side as he walked towards the two salamandrians. The guy was huge, he was about as big as the newtralizer. He had too many weapons on him, as if he was a one man army, again dressed too similarly to the Newtralizer. Raphael took one look at him and didn't like him. As he watched the love of his life hug this Salamandrian, he felt that bang of jealousy again. He trusted Y'gythgba with his whole heart, she wouldn't forget him just because this guy showed up. Who was he? An old boyfriend? Raphael felt a knot in his throat.

L'vthian's heart soared as he felt Y'gythgba's embrace. It had been too long; he should have reached out to her sooner. They let go for two seconds just to see if the other was real. Raphael looked away in slight annoyance with how interested Y'gythgba was in this guy. L: "How I've missed you, my little blue." Y'gythgba smiled at him as she hugged him and put her head on his chest. Y: "Is it really you? I thought you were dead? They told me you were gone, the entire squadron." 

Suddenly L'vthian saw the red clad terrapin and moved Y'gythgba behind him growling. L: "Let me finish this vile creature with my bare claws!!" Raphael took his sai's out, almost grateful to have a reason to tear this guy apart.  R: "You want a piece of me buddy, you got it!" Y'gythgba got between both of them. Y:"NO! Rokka rokka! Stop, both of you!!" They looked at her and then at each other with rage. 

Y'gythgba smiled as she looked at the two males whom she loved very much. Y: " L'vthian, this (with a look of love and holding Raphael's hand) is my betrothed, Raphael. Raphael this is my brother; L'vthian."

Both males looked a each other with both shock and mutual distrust. To Raphael though hearing Y'gythba say that one word, brother, relieved him of the horrible feeling, the feeling of jealousy that he knew he would never have again. He knew better than to doubt her love for him, they were soulmates after all. He felt her hand in his and squeezed it slightly, knowing that she would bestow upon him her loving radiance. (continued)

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