•Some roses may not have petals Chapter 5•

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Rose doesn't agree what's with the "ship" as if I should make the right choice and lean in. I'd never want our group to take a turn right? Today is a new day to start new, I took out my lined piece of paper and my different inked pen. I wrote down a tally - chart about me and you know who. But, then I just said "It doesn't matter I'll get the right timing at sometime" I said with sadness and trustiness. So, I just crumbled the lined paper, and just got a new paper. I wrote "Dear Jisso, My heart can't stop beating when I think of you know who, it makes me nervous when I hear he's name. It's too much for me right now, we're filming a music video called 'Boombaya' Rose isn't cooperating with our decisions, and I have Jinsoo in my way." It's getting harder because today we're getting the dance routine ready for the new music video, I wanted to sleep again. So I did. This time my dream was the exact same. I woke up in my own bedroom. There was a note on the wall that said "go to caffe and order something" I didn't wanna
listen but this could've lead me to the mysterious man that was in my dream. I went to the caffe I ordered the usual I said to the worker "the usual please?" She gave it fast, it's like she new I had plans about a special someone. when I went out of the store I saw, Black. Just black. I didn't see a thing I felt someone touch my hand. I started freaking out and panicking. The lights turned back on the customers started moving, the caffe's original smell went back into the small caffe. I saw the man! Wearing the exact same tuxedo and red tie. I never get to see he's mysterious face it may be Jin though, he grabbed my hand and started to go up and away in the fluffy rosie clouds. We went through the clouds and petals just fell down, I heard him laugh so, I laughed too. I questioned when he bought me to the warm caffe, he decided to pay for my drink, I saw his pale hand reach to the interact. I said "Thank you" in a enchanting way, I almost cried when he left because I didn't unmask him, and ask who he is. I'm very busy theses days but I can't really keep up with my dreams. Everyone is mostly busy, but, now that we're doing a music video, we need costumes, today we're choreographing the dance parts in the music video, and I have him on my mind. I have no idea what to do, so complicated.

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