Koda Reaven's concept:

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First name: Koda 

Last name: Reaven

Eye color: Red

Hair color: Brown

Age: 17(Prologue) 20 (main story) 23(In bonus chapters)

Hight: 174 cm

Body type:
Average weight/thin, athletic 

Voice Actor:

Yuri Lowenthal(English)

Yūki Kaji(Japanese)

Fighting style Inspiration: A combination of quick draw techniques from the sheath(Devil May Cry), and he learned how to fight with his legs by watching and learning from Velvet. And modern Japanese-sword fighting.

Character Music Theme: "Brave Shine" by Aimer. Used in Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Bladeworks

Clothing: wears a navy-blue colored village shirt with a crimson upward collard button shirt and Wears a black exorcist coat with a hood and has red jaws or teeth markings on the edges of the bottom to the back .(This was based off of Velvet's arm how it's black and red to represent what Koda has chosen.) He also wears a dark brown pants-like- jeans and wears leather boots. After a  certain point, his right sleeve gets shredded.

Weapon: simple sword(Prologue) Katana(main story), Nodochi(Later on)

Artes: Azure edge, Protective barrier artes, Flashpoint slash, flames of chaos, Fury Slash, Judgement Cut, Ritual of Destruction, Savage Wolf Fury, Lethality's judgement(Combined with Velvet) "Dark Arua"(The power to absorb Malevolence and return it in a powerful burst of destruction.

Origin of the Character and concept: 

Before meeting Velvet:

Koda came from the 21st century but alt earth(So basically he wouldn't no anything about Berseria's world.) He was living on his own for acouple of years before he came to Velvet's world. Despite Koda's age, He was raised to treat people with respect, but people treated his existence as if he didn't belong just because he was different. After an Accident, his soul was given a chance to be brought to another world with it's own way of survival, and that was when he first meet Velvet by Aball. 


Velvet Crowe: Someone he respects and admires. The person that gave Koda his new purpose in this life he was given and eventually admitted, he feel in love with her. After the Advent, he tried finding her after three years, Koda promised to protect Velvet, just like he swore on her sister, Celica's gravestone and be her support on her quest to avenge her little brother's death, No matter the hardships or how the people's opinion's would be toward her. Because he knew that underneath the skin of the therion, was still the Velvet he knew.

Seres: Koda at first did not trust Seres after he was able to see Malakhim. She was Artorius Malak, which made it worse. But if it wasn't for her, Koda would never have found where Velvet was. Later, he found out that Seres was reborn from the soul and body of Velvet's dead sister, Celica. While he didn't know Celica, Koda had a feeling that Velvet's sister and Seres were watching over and guiding him as if he was part of their family.

Artorius/Arthur: When Koda first met Arthur, Arthur wanted to know where he came from. Koda tried to deny where he came from for the best. Arthur tested him in swordsmanship and lost to Koda on purpose. Why? Not even Koda knows why. On the night of the Advent, Arthur sacrificed Velvet's brother right in front of both Velvet and Koda. While Velvet still tried to help her little brother, Arthur muttered a phrase before forcing her to fall, "ever slaves to emotions." Koda tried to reach for Velvet's hand but wasn't close enough. Losing her made Koda cry and upset. But then, His anger for Arthur/Artorius started. And so their rivalry of emotion vs ideals and reason began between these two. Seres told Koda that he is the complete opposite of Artorius. Or what he still could have been.

Laphicet(Laphi): Laphi, Velvet's little brother look up to Koda for his knowledge about the world and what wonders there are. If Laphi felt better, He wanted Koda to travel with him and Velvet to explore the world.

Laphicet(Phi): A malak kid who he and Velvet took from Teresa and gave him a proper name. Not a lot of thought but, they thought of a nickname for him. Phi looked up to Koda and Velvet's relationship, even jealous sometimes because he understood her. Eventually, because of Koda, Phi found his purpose.

Rokurou: A demon swordsman who Koda eventually came to Respect. Ever since escaping Titania, Rokurou owed him and Velvet a debt. But also wanted to have a rematch with Koda, which he eventually got in order to get stronger to  later take on his older brother, Shigure.

Eizen: A Malak pirate, Aifread's first mate and also known as the Reaper. Eizen and Koda didn't trust each other when they first met outside of Vortigurn. But Eizen needed allies to find the Captain of his crew, Van Aifread and crush the Abbey. And so they joined forces in partnership to take down the Abbey and find Aifread. Eizen wanted to know how deep Koda's feelings for Velvet and foolishness went. Eventually, Koda opened Eizen's eyes alittle, making the Reaper not so... heartless.

Eleanor: After the Abbey was formed, Koda was given the title, The Black Exorcist. Two years into Abbey, A young Exorcist joined. Eleanor had lost her mother and village to demons. So she decide to join the Abbey and vow that no child should go through what she went through. Despite being young at the time, Koda eventually taught Eleanor how to fight and to survive. All Eleanor wanted from Koda was a sign of acceptance or being proud of become a Pretor class exorcist. Of course, Eventually Eleanor knew the reason why he was like this to her. Because he already had feelings for Velvet and loved her. But Eleanor never forgot what Koda taught her by trying to do the right thing.

Magilou:  At first, Koda never understood what Magilou was doing sticking around them. Koda then learned she wasn't just nuts, she was actually very smart and powerful with magic artes. There were times where her strange warnings have helped Koda and Velvet at times.

A concept angel shot of Koda Raven:

(Below)A comic concept If I made this into a comic of what Koda would look like:

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(Below)A comic concept If I made this into a comic of what Koda would look like:

(Below)A comic concept If I made this into a comic of what Koda would look like:

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