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The next day I went to school with bandages and cuts all over me. I saw The Party at their lockers, Mike waved at me and I waved back. After I put my stuff in my locker and collect my math textbook and binder. I started walking but I don't get far before I got shoved into some lockers, my stuff falls out of my hands and I look up and see a furious El.
"You are such a slut, you know that?!" She screamed in my face, I said nothing. She continued, "He will never love you! He's still hung up on me! He will only love me and I never fucking loved him back, it's pathetic because I only used him to survive! You both don't deserve love! If I were you, I'd jump off a cliff!" She shoved me down again, I fall to the ground and she starts kicking my shins. "You should kill yourself, you little whore!" She thinks she's done enough damage because she walked away.
Maybe she's right. Maybe I should kill myself.
I looked down, my shins were already starting to bruise.
On my way home I pass a gas station. It reminded me of what El said to me at lunch today;

"You should die a slow, painful death, bitch."

She had whispered that I my ear so the party wouldn't hear.
She was right. I walked into the store and looked at the alcohol in the fridges.
I have $10 in my bag. I walked up to the counter where a college girl was sitting and reading a magazine.
I looked to the left of the register, where a whole rack of cigarette packs were sitting.
Ah shit. I'm gonna have to buy a lighter too.
I pick out two boxes of cigarettes and a lighter. I place them on the counter. The girl didn't look up. To the right on the counter there was a bell. She still hadn't acknowledged me.
I slammed my hand down on the bell.
She looked up at me, then at the cigarettes and lighter and frowned.
"Aren't you a bit young to be smoking?" She asks me in a nasal voice.
She didn't think much about it because then she then said; "whatever. At the end of the day I'm still getting payed."
(A/n: guys it's actually 'payed' I looked it up cause paid is the past tense. Ok Happy English lesson.) She rang up my stuff and I grabbed them from the counter.
After I payed for my things I left the store and started for home. I remembered that the packs of cigarettes and the lighter were still in my hands when Max walked out of a store, alone. I shoved the stuff into my pockets.

I walked out of a store... and saw y/n. I like y/n, as a friend of course, but she probably hates me because I'm close with El. I walked away towards my moms car.

Max walked away.
I walk all the way home with my dark thoughts.

Word count - 532

I'm very very very very very very very very happy that Biden won! He's not the best but we needed that orange out of office.
Also, please don't smoke. It's very very very bad for you and my grandma died because she got lung cancer from smoking.
Drink water, wash yo hands, stay safe and stay cool.
I love all of you beautiful people.

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