The Raven Method

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Make sure you have a script for your shifting. This isn't compulsory, but it is safer to do it with one. Make sure that you detail how you wake up in you reality to begin, and also how you leave to get back to your current reality. Another thing to be careful with is writing how you will behave and act in the reality. Scripts make the journey easier and smoother, particularly for people new to shifting. I will include my first script in the following chapter if you want to use it as a base for writing your own.

It is important to start with a clear and positive mind. So it is recommended to meditate and relax yourself before you lay done to try and shift. This goes for every shifting method.

Before you begin, try to find a space where you will be distraction free. For example, try laying down on your bed with your door closed. A quiet space is best for a successful shifting experience.

Once you are ready, you can follow these steps.

1. Make sure that you are tired already. It works best if you are already half asleep, so you can try to stay up later than usual to get extra tired.

2. Play some subliminals. This isn't compulsory, but it makes the transition easier and is pretty simple to achieve. There are a wide range available for any reality shift on youtube.

3. Lay down in a comfortable place in a star position. Make sure that you are completely comfortable, because once you begin, you cannot move any part of your body. If you do, you will just have to start your shift again.

4. Once you are sure that you are comfortable, begin counting from one to one hundred in your head. Count slowly and steadily. As you are counting from one to fifty, say the words "I am shifting" in your head. For example: 1 I am shifting 2 I am shifting 3... From fifty to one hundred, change from "I am shifting" to "I have shifted". As you count and say these words silently, you need to be sure to keep your mind calm and relaxed, but concentrated on your desired reality. Don't worry if your mind wanders occasionally as you count, but be sure to keep drawing yourself back in to concentrate.

5. While you are concentrating on your desired reality, think about what will happen as you wake up there. What the room will look like, who will be there, what does it smell like, etc.

6. Once you have reached one hundred, you now have to fall asleep while concentrating on your desired reality and repeating your affirmations to yourself. An example of an affirmation is "I am in my desired reality" or "I have shifted into my desired reality". Remember not to move as you fall asleep.

And you should have shifted! (Don't worry if you didn't. It takes time and concentration. Try again tomorrow night!)

Make sure that you are careful in your desired reality, and that you don't script anything bad happening to yourself or to anyone in your reality because anything bad that happens will be there the next time you shift to that same desired reality.

Stay safe and I hope you had a nice time. Let me know what happened.

Reality Shifting (How to shift + my shifting experience)Where stories live. Discover now