Ch1 Bradford Night Out

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Today started out boring. I left my uni flat for the three lessons I had, which were, to be honest, really boring. I had no idea what else I wanted to do but maybe I chose the wrong choice becoming a teacher.

Right now though, I was going to get drunk as. I'll be celebrating with my family tomorrow, birthday meal and all. But I wanted to get black out drunk and celebrate properly. Bradford, for nights out, weren't that great. There were only two or three clubs and a few pubs. I was in one of the quieter ones, but it all gets busy later on. Even though it's a Thursday, it doesn't matter. Thursday's are the new Fridays, anyway.

"I'll have a bottle of champagne," I said to the bar waiter, name  and he smiled, nodding, grabbing the bottle. "Celebrating?"

"My 18th." I responded with a tight smile. None of my so called friends were meeting me, they had uni tomorrow. I was just going to skip. I only have one class and that's in the morning and I can look at the presentation online. I am more of an introvert in the fact of that I don't care if I'm with friends or not on a night out. Being comfortable drinking alone is also important. Birthday or no birthday.

"Karaoke later tonight, mate. Tell Dani its your birthday. She'll give you a free drink pass." The waiter said kindly as he handed me a champagne glass and the bottle, I thanked him and sat on one of the tables, taking my phone out, I updated my Instagram story and took a rare selfie. I was wearing ripped jeans and a camo hoodie with a leather jacket over the top, my hair in a quiff. It wasn't a lot but I liked the style.

"Still don't get why we couldn't have gone to Donny." I heard someone mutter in a Doncaster accent and I continued to drink, I was about half way through the bottle, but not drunk yet.

"You would have been recognised, Louis." The other voice replied, sounding annoyed.

"We would be recognised anywhere, Niall."

I snorted, not loudly, big ego alert. I continued to drink the champagne when I felt eyes staring at the back of my head. I wanted to do what I did in uni, put my middle finger up and flip them off. But I don't know why I didn't, maybe it was because it was my birthday and and I was in a slightly better mood.

I didn't look round. No matter how tempting.

"Liam, Liam... Liaaammm." I heard the one from Doncaster try and get someone's attention. I decided to look at my phone to see how many had seen my story or liked my post. The usual amount, was the answer.

"Sorry, I..."

"Don't sweat it. It might help if you talk to him, it's not like you to get shy. Hey mate, we'll have four beers."

My heart beat quickened slightly, I knew I shouldn't be listening in. But I couldn't help it.

"Karaoke tonight lads. Starts in a few minutes. A few have already said they'd join in."  One of them laughed, "Oh, we're on a break. Probably won't sing tonight." He had blonde hair, I saw from the corner of my eye.

"You're singers then? Would I have heard your music?"

"Hopefully not, we don't want to be recognised tonight. Look up X-Factor, that's all the hints I'll give you." The one from Donny said, in a friendly way.

I looked up at that, not able to hide the curiosity in my eyes. X-Factor? I had always wanted to go on the show, my family and I watched the show since I was young and I love singing. My mum suggest to apply last year, but I backed out last minute. I was glad I did at the time... But thinking back, what would have happened if I had?

My eyes widened slightly as I realised. I knew exactly who Louis and Niall were. I choked on my champagne. One Direction.

They were on a break. On a night out. In Bradford of all places.

And he was sitting by himself like a looser aiming to get black out drunk. 

I groaned.

"You alright there mate?"

I looked up after I had finished coughing, recovering. Louis Tomlinson was speaking to me and his three band mates were staring at him, Niall with a smile, Harry with curiosity and Liam with... Well, I wasn't sure.

"Yeah, fine. Thanks." He spoke shortly, with a small smile, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"What's a fine lad like you doing by yourself?" I raised my eyebrows. Why are they still talking to me?

"Drinking?" I questioned. I head Niall laugh and a smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"Yes, I knew that. By yourself?" Louis repeated his question.

"I'm my own best company." I replied simply. That seemed to peek his interest. Before I knew what they were doing, they grabbed chairs and sat on my table, Liam and Niall sitting next to me and Harry and Louis sitting next to each other.

I pour myself a new glass, keeping my eyebrows raised, looking at them all.

"Why sit with me?" I couldn't help but ask.

"We're each others best company." Louis responded with his famous smirk. 

I couldn't help but smirk back. This night was about to get a lot more interesting.

Author's note: How was it?

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