Ch3 Bradford Night Out P3

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I looked up from resting my head in my arms, my chin resting on my hand and saw a figure that looked like Niall from One Direction.

"You look like Niall?" I slurred heavily. The vodka had been a bad move.

"It's because I am Niall." The person that looked like Niall said and Zayn's eyes widened.

"I'm a huge fan. Like... You're the funniester." I heard Niall's laugh and grinned. Niall sat down next to him, groaning loudly.

"I shouldn't have had the tequila. Harry made me do it. Remind me not to trust him again." He complained.

"I'm probably never going to see you again, Nialler -" I started but was interrupted but Niall looked at him with peeked interest.


"Isn't that your nickname?" I ask, still with a slur, my turn to be confused.

"I don't have one yet. Harry's is Hazza. Louis is Lewis. Liam's is Lima." Niall listed them off as he counted on his fingers. I blinked. "I like Nialler." Niall added.

"Where is Liam?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me. He shrugged, "I last saw him go outside. I don't know how we're going to get back to the tour bus. We ditched the guards..." Niall trialed off and my eyes widened.

"Isn't there a search going for you guys then, how did you loose them in the first place? I'm going to be wanted by FBI. I'm going to prison for helping escapees...." I slurred dramatically, looking around frantic to see if anything was out of the norm. But no, just drunken young adults dancing and singing, Harry and Louis acting like a couple.

I heard Niall's laughter again and focused back to him, narrowing my eyes at the Irishman. "I texted management for a night off. We're fine. We have no where to stay, but that's for us to sort out. The tour bus is in Halifax. I just wanted to see your reaction and it was the best." He grinned brightly and I hit him several times on his arm.

"I take it back. Liam is now my favourite!" I said drunkenly and it made Niall laugh even more. I stopped hitting him when I thought of an idea. If I was sober, I wouldn't have offered this. Not in a million years. But because I wasn't, it didn't really register to me.

"You can stay at my flat."

Niall raised his eyebrows and then looked at me confused and skeptical. "You would offer that? We can go to a hotel..."

"My flat is like five minutes away from here and I live alone. If you all rock up to a hotel at four in the morning not knowing which way is up d'you think they'd take you seriously?" I countered still slurring my words. That seemed to convince him.

"I'll talk to Hazza and Lewis. You find Lima."

My eyes widened... "But!" Niall was already stumbling in the direction of the dance floor.

I sighed and stood up, it was a struggle. But I managed to make my way outside, finding Liam sitting on the floor smoking. I stared. Was I the only one who didn't know Liam smoked?

Sitting down next to him, he glanced at me with red puffy eyes. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you high?" It was the first thing I said.

"So what if I am?" Liam defended himself quickly, also sounding drunk but it was wearing off. I put my hands up in mock surrender. "I wasn't judging, Liam."

"Everyone judges." Liam muttered. "I can't be who I am for that reason."

I frowned. "Liam, because you're in the biggest boyband yet, you haven't even started everything you guys can achieve. It's 2011, only the beginning. Want my drunken advice at four in the morning? Be yourself. Be your own idol. Be someone the people have a reason to look up to. Be you." I said, patting him on the shoulders. 

Liam made eye contact with me and I couldn't look away. He looked like he was going to cry and my hand had a mind of its own as I put my hand gently on his cheek. He smiled, moving his head even more into my hand and he did the same. We leant in, our foreheads touching.

"I don't know if there's a reason you've come into my life. I don't believe in fate. But..." Before he could say anything else, the door opened and he heard someone fall over, laughing. He then heard two more bodies fall over the first and Liam looked disappointed as he moved away from me, as he looked at the door he groaned.

"Did you guys really just fall over each other so that Niall didn't look stupid?" Liam asked, sounding like he had had enough but I could tell he was looking at the three boys fondly.

"Maybe, I think I pulled something." Harry spoke groaning and I laughed, as I helped Liam up and as we touched I swore there were sparks. "Your brain, probably." Liam responded and Niall laughed again as he got up. I took my eyes off Liam and let go, missing the warmth already.

"To Zayn's!" Niall said going in the opposite direction.

"Nialler, other way!" I replied, not being able to hold back a laugh.

"Wait, what are we doing?" I heard Liam ask and Niall frowned. "Did Zayn not tell you? We're staying at his flat." I took a glance at Liam who looked straight at me with his face slightly flushed. But it was just the trick of the lighting.

"That's, er. Very kind of him. Hold up, Nialler?" Liam questioned again and Niall laughed as he linked arms with me and we stumbled along the street. The five of us sticking together.

"Zayney thought of it. Do you like it, Lima?"

There was a pause.

"Yeah, I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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