🍃🧢 Breaking Spirit Time #6

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**************PART 8**************

Harvey has more questions that flooded on his mind. When he blinked his eyes, hoping to see a dream from a dream, he found a certain place that has no colors.

He tried to pinch his cheek and slap his face to make sure he's conscious.

When he endured that pain, he was expecting to wake up but not this time.

"Good grief... I'm in this so called dream again" Harvey muttered

If he's unconscious in a mysterious place with black skies and one room, Harvey concluded he's the same place over again.

It was not the first time he dream of going to this place. In fact, he's always been there whenever he's having stress problems and sleep at night.

Seeing a path with white stripes that leads to the room with cube outlines, Harvey didn't hesitate and walked there.

Unlike normal people, he wasn't afraid of the dangers and he wasn't cautious. Staying cool and calm, Harvey made his way inside and what he saw is a room full of classic decorations.

Black and red checkers designed on the floor matching with black walls with red spots on the wall.

A maroon cushion with a soft bed is placed in the corner and a brown, small table has a cat rugged doll above.

Harvey steps closer to the doll and he tries to touch it, only to found out the doll suddenly moves and faced him.

The face of a doll has sewing smile, with four hole buttons in the right side and an x sewing mark on the left side.

They got cat ears covered by a rugged hood and a ribbon on the collar and its hands were covered by the rugged cloth.

From what Harvey seen, he finds it ugly.

"Speak, Ragged Doll." Harvey demanded, calling its name. He sounds so harsh like he's been through to meeting and talking to it.

Suddenly, the doll raised its left arm and it suddenly spoke, "Hey there! Friend!"

"What happened?" Harvey asked.

"What? You don't remember? That time was super exciting! I can't believe you showed me that chaos in your life, Harvey Newell" The Ragged Doll said cheerfully.

"Shut up Doll" Harvey said as he grabbed its collar.

Harvey can't tell what the talking doll was thinking. Looking at its expressionless face bothers hum a lot.

The Ragged Doll is the anomalous monster inside Harvey's inner core when he's dreaming. It was firstly appeared when he got his power.

Whenever he closed his eyes and slept in either night or the time when he was unconscious, Harvey always met his gaze upon its mysterious subconscious.

In truth, Harvey doesn't like to talk to it. He just wanted to dream random thoughts and happy places that are stupendous.

Speaking of dreams, Harvey glared at the Ragged doll and asked, "Am I dreaming?"

"Of course you are. You're in my world."

"Our world." Harvey corrected it.

If the Ragged Doll's right, Harvey should be asleep in the real world. What he didn't expect is when he's dreaming, he often wears the same clothes and even his glasses are on his eyes.

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