The dawn of Speed

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There was once a boy who loved to go fast He's name was Jade. He had two brothers named John And Jack. Jade had five friends named Alison, Robert,Dane,Julia and Drake. One day Jade went to school he and a science class for his first period and so did his friends. During his science class his teacher,Mr Jamieson told them to pick themselves in pair of six so the five friends picked themselves but there was a school bully who wasn't picked named Bose. Mr Jamieson paired him with them every one in the school hated Bose because he always picks on them even the teachers hated him because he played pranks on them. So after they got paired Mr Jamieson told them to mix some chemical  substances. The electrician was doing his work fixing an electrical wire. Then Bose played a prank by busting a paper bag which startled everyone. Jade then knocked over a glass of water which spilled on they floor and the electrician dropped an electric wire connected to the top of the school. Then there was a lightening storm which struck the top of the school and the water Jade spilled away got electrocuted. Then the five friends and "Bose" got electrocuted.

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