Chapter 31

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New update 🤧
Please don't forget me in my dua❤️Please ❤️🤧
Y'all eager to know what's going on innit🤧🥺🥺❤️ Here it is then...Just because y'all are amazing.
This chapter is dedicated to bilqeesize ❤️❤️


Karim watched as Zaira wrote quickly into a small black notebook. What she was writing? He couldn't tell. But it seemed very important to her.

He had moved Samia's cot into his room and when Zaira asked, he claimed she was beginning to crawl out of it at night. And since he didn't want her to get hurt, he had to bring her into his room.

Michael had said it wasn't a good decision because Zaira would feel something was off. But weirdly enough, Karim knew she wouldn't notice. She'd not listen to her head anymore. But the organ beating in her chest.

At the beginning of everything, Zaira was definitely impenetrable. So hard to crack that Karim had almost given up before he even started. But something made him continue. Continue to strive.

They just needed her to crack a little. Give them just a little information they could use. And she did. Her brother. Her family. From what she told him, she had no idea where her brother was. Or even if she did, she had no way of getting to him.

All this time, they had thought her family was actually alive because she had said what Michael had dug up was fake information.

It was, actually. But there were some truth to it. And now knowing she had a brother who was alive made everything a bit easier for them.

Unfortunately, Karim had not taken everything into consideration. And yesterday scared him. So much so that, he was this close to ruining the whole plan when he saw Zaira.

It was the call she had with Jafar that made Karim realize everything wasn't in vain at least. His plan had worked much better than anticipated.

To clear things up from the beginning...

Michael had video called him about 4 months ago. Karim remembered clearly when Michael signed to him during their talk. He had never been so grateful for going to TRS before. Because he understood exactly what Michael was putting forward.

'You're being watched and listened too. I caught hold of an unknown transmission going in and out of your house. Play dumb. Don't spook them.'

Karim had played it off by saying he could dance better than him. Leading to a short argument.

That was when they formulated their first plan.

Michael had once told Karim about his friend who helped him dig up Zaira's past, he had been intrigued about how well everything had been hidden. Since it was a rare occurrence to find people creating permanent fake lives.

They had decided to work together to see what Zaira really wanted from him. Because it wasn't the citizenship she was after. Maybe it was part but she had a bigger objective. And she was definitely working with someone too. Even Marilyn confirmed it.

Michael's friend, Lawrence, had higher clearance than Michael so he thought searching deeper was the best thing and if anything was fishy they'd inform the authorities to get involved.

They just had to make sure she didn't suspect anything was going on, to avoid her destroying any piece of important information before they found it.

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