[• 38 •]

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" What?! Isn't it a little early to get married? I mean-" Jin stopped his sentence and turn his whole attention again to Sunghoon.

" That's how I'm serious to her. I may sound ridiculous but, I'm really desperate to have her for the rest of my life. I want to grow old with and made memories with her. She's the only girl I want to love until my last breath. Her and only her."

Seokjin was completely shocked about the younger one's words.

He can feel his sincereness through every words he says.

Jin cannot explain to himself but, he can feel that, He was the right person who he can trust his sister to.

" Well then if that's your will, Then I'm giving you my permission." He said making Sunghoon lift his head up, as he was looking down at his own feet the whole time.

" Really hyung?! Oh my God! You won't regret this. I won't disappoint you! I promise!" He bowed and bowed many time, showing his gratitude to him.

" Just, take really good care of her. Though, I just met her today, I already feel the sisterly-love to her. She's the most precious person in my life, I hope you take care of her as a precious gem too." Sunghoon smiled at the older one.

" Don't worry hyung. I will. I surely will." He reassured.



" Y/N,dear? Your birthday is coming in 3 days. What's your plan for your special day?" Mom asked me out of nowhere, while we're eating the rest of our food.

And honestly, I almost completely forgot about my birthday.

" Oh, I just want a simple celebration. Just us." I answered. I'm not really fan of fancy parties. That's so much hassle. It's more fun if you're with your love ones and enjoy the day just as simple as that.

" Okay then." I smiled at my mom and I silently prayed to myself that It was 'Simple' as I wanted to because the last time I said I want a simple birthday party, She literally invited to whole neighborhood in our place and spends almost all of their money on it.

" By the way, Those two seems to have a serious talk? They're still there. I wonder what they're talking about." Mom asked, slightly frowning as she can't help but to feel worried by the two.

" Maybe they're getting to know eachother, you know? So that they can be comfortable to eachother."I said, low-key trying to ease my worries.

" What if those two are already killing each other?" Misoo wasn't helping at all.

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