[• Special Chapter •]

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" Wake up wake up!!! Mom and Dad are looking for you." A voice tried to wake me up from my deep slumber.

" I'm tired. Just tell them I'm taking my rest." I said with a sleepy voice.

I then felt someone's weight on my body. I unwillingly opened my eyes just to see my husband's face, dangerously near on mine.

" Mom just wanted to know if you're okay. Come on, get up even just for a minute." He said in a calm, sweet tone.

I lazily sat up on the bed and took the phone from his hands.

" Yes? Hello Mom?" I asked, voice still sound sleepy af.

" Good morning sweetheart! How are you and Sunghoon? Are you enjoying your vacation there?!" She asked and I can already hear the boys shouting my name.

" We're doing fine Mom, and we're really enjoying it." I assure and I heard her letting out a heavy sigh from the other line.

" I'm happy that you are. By the way, you'll coming back to school soon, since you still need some months for you to be able to Graduate." Ah, now I finally remembered school.

" Yeah Mom. I totally forgot about school." I said making her laugh.

We're at Jeju now, taking our vacation as Husband and Wife, or so called honey moon.

It's been three weeks since we're here and 2 more days to go, we will come back to Seoul again.

" You're such a lazy ass Y/N. By the way did you eat your breakfast now?" She asked again.

" Not yet but we're just abou-" I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence when I suddenly felt weird and felt like throwing up.

So I immediately ran to the bathroom, taking Sunghoon in shocked.

He instantly followed me there and help my hair up, as I was vomiting the hell out of me.

" Omo? Y/N? Sweetheart? Are you okay?" Mom asked through the phone and of course I can't answer her.

" Love? You fine?" He asked, sounding really worried about me.

I washed my hands, mouth, and my face and turn my attention towards Sunghoon.

" I'm fine, I think I just ate something bad yesterday." I said trying to ease his worries.

But the truth is, I'm feeling weird this past few days. I'm always tired for no particular reason. I always crave for something weird and, I always felt weird every single damn morning.

" Are you sure? You look very pale now? Do you want me to call a doctor?" He asked and I quickly shook my head, telling him no.

" No need to, I'm fine. Nothing much to worry about." I reassured him and he can't do anything but to just nod his head.


4 days later


" Love? Are you sure you can go to school?" He asked, helping me to wear my bag.

I turned to him and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yes of course! I can." I said with an excited tone, but for real. I can feel my head circling around.

Of course, I didn't say anything about what I'm feeling or else, Sunghoon will panicked and buy a whole damn hospital for me.

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