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3rd POV

2000 years ago

The destruction of countries, reducing the spirits forest to ash and even killing the gods. This was the man feared as the demon king.

The name was Anos Voldigod

Beside the man was a person who has sky blue hair almost white who is also known as the God of the sun and moon.

The name was Athanasius Apollo Artemis

"....So how about it?"

The demon king Arnos uttered these words whilst sitting on his throne with his arms crossed.

With just that a normal human being would be in fear from the power of his words, however, the people in front of him right now do not have that worry.

The severer of fate, the hero chosen by the holy sword Kanon.

The mother of all spirits, the grand spirit Reno.

And the creator of this world, the creation God Militeia.

Including Anos and Athan , they control this worlds fate. Five people will be handed down these names in later times but now they gather in the hall of the demon kings castle Deruzogedo.

"I understand the story. It's not a ridiculous condition either. But now, when we are trying to reconcile?" the hero Kanon said.

"That's right."

"Demon king Anos. How many people have you killed until now?"

Athanasius and Anos gaze turned cold while Anos answered

"Let me reverse that hero Kanon. How many demons have you killed so far?" he returned to words of Kanon back to him.

Who struck first? The humans or the demons? There was no way to know.

No, it doesn't matter. Even knowing the answer would not make the past disappear.

The reason would no doubt be trivial. Both sides killed and those who survived got revenge on 

those that were killed. After that, the cycle just repeated.

Because they were killed they were avenged and then those that got revenge were killed for 

revenge. Hatred accumulated endlessly for both races and the chain of tragedies accelerated to 

a pace that could not be stopped. Both humans and demons are the same in that they hate 

things different from themselves.

"After all your brutality do you think you can say those words?"

"What would have happened without my cruelty? If you did not fear the demon king Anos you human beings would have calmly slaughtered the demons. It was a just cause. I do not remember even feeling one bit of guilt. I even praised the humans I killed as heroes."

"That was because the demons committed atrocious acts."

"And I say you humans also did."

"Are you saying the demons are faultless?"

"It means that in war there is neither good nor bad."

With a glint in his eye, the demon king Arnos glared at the hero.

"Kanon. You are a human. Don't you believe that the world will become peaceful if the demon king Arnos is defeated?"

"Yes, I do."

"No. You should actually understand it. Stop being a fool. In the place where the demon king Arnos was defeated a new fire will be born. Both humans and demons. If the other side is not exterminated the fighting will not end. No......"

The mistif of the Demon king Academy (Anos x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now