//Chapter 1//

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Anos POV

A month has passed since I reincarnated.

I've spent the time looking into the world that is now two thousand years further on. It seems the magical arts have degenerated to a much lower level than I thought.

Human's don't seem to know about reincarnation magic at all.

It was a rather common magic in the age of myths that I had lived in. For high ranking magic users, reincarnating was not unusual.

However, in the present times that age has been called the era of magic. Reincarnation magic does not seem to be known in the present age.

I can talk from birth and have magical talent. My parents Gusta and Isabella have interpreted it that I'm just a very smart baby.

Growth is considered an advanced magic in the present era but it is still generally known about.

Oh well. If the existence of reincarnation is not acknowledged I guess it can't be helped.

The most surprising thing though was that I reincarnated as a human.

two thousand years ago me and Athan sowed our own seeds.

With magic, both of us created 7 subordinates using both of our own blood and commanded them to have children and expand their bloodline.

We needed a container that contained both of our blood for a successful reincarnation.

As I expected, over two thousand years the blood of the demon king Anos and the blood of the sun God Athanasius did not die out, however, I did not expect it to mix with humans.

No, thinking about it I suppose that since the demons and the humans stopped fighting its probably natural that those with mixed blood are born.

I guess deep down I thought that the demons and the humans were fundamentally incompatible but after a thousand years of being separated by the walls, their troubles were diluted and eventually lost.

Ah, thinking of this make me miss Athan more. I wonder where he is or if he is already reincarnated now.

Thinking about Athan made me smile.

I look out the window and gaze to the two moons and thought

' Don't worry love I will find you and make sure the two of us will be together once again'

Sighing he came back thinking of what he discovered

Humans don't seem to know much about the demons anymore. I asked my parents but they didn't know anything either.

All they knew was that the demon tribe were really far away on the other side of a wall. They had no further information beyond that.

The demon country, the home of the demons is apparently called Deiruheido.


I felt the slight flow of magic power and out of the corner of my eye, something caught my attention.

Moving over to the window I open it and an owl jumps in before dropping a letter in my hand

It's a letter of invitation from the demon king academy Deruzogedo.

"Demon king academy?..."

Deruzogedo is the name of my castle. I don't remember hearing about this demon king academy.

I guess it was founded sometime during these last two thousand years.

While I was thinking the owl opened its mouth.

The mistif of the Demon king Academy (Anos x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now